What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (2024)

The ‘golden age of medicine’ arrived, animals came back from the brink, the renewables juggernaut gathered pace, climate reparations became reality and scientists showed how to slow ageing, plus more good news

The 2023 good news roundup

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (1)

1. The world entered a ‘golden age’ of medicine

The burgeoning medical revolution was a major theme of 2023. “We are seeing a pace of progress that has not been witnessed for 100 years,” Bertalan Meskó, director of the Medical Futurist Institute in Budapest, told Positive News in October.

Meskó is among a chorus of voices hailing a new ‘golden age’ of medicine – thanks, in part, to Covid-19. “Breakthroughs in mRNA technology first applied in Covid vaccines could soon help eradicate certain types of cancer,” he said. “Then there’s the huge potential of AI and 3D printing and, most excitingly, advances in genomics, which will unlock the genetic bases of many diseases, leading to new and more targeted treatments.”

Chris Stokel-Walker, who writes about the medical applications of AI for the British Medical Journal, predicted AI would “supercharge the pace of novel drug discoveries” and analyse and identify tumours in scans “more effectively than humans can”.

Added Meskó: “It’s an amazing time. I feel lucky to be living through it.”

Image: Sam Peet

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (2)

2. The end is nigh for the ‘world’s deadliest pandemic’

There’s a clear pathway to ending Aids transmission by 2030, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) announced in July. It said that improved access to HIV treatment has averted almost 21m Aids-related deaths in the past 30 years, with 2022 marking the lowest number of new HIV infections (1.3m) in decades.

The response has brought add-on benefits, it added, including stronger health and community systems, which helped shield millions from poverty and food insecurity.

Winnie Byanyima, executive director of UNAIDS, cautioned against “relaxed optimism”, and said that success would be dependent on sustained action. “The end of Aids is an opportunity for a uniquely powerful legacy for today’s leaders,” she said. “They could be remembered by future generations as those who put a stop to the world’s deadliest pandemic.”

Image: Mauro Mora

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (3)

3. Countries eliminated deadly diseases

Nations defeated various debilitating and deadly diseases in 2023. In what was hailed as a “monumental achievement”, Bangladesh became the first country to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis– a life-threatening illness caused by a parasite – as a public health problem.

Also chalking up a public health win was Iraq, which become the 17th country to eliminate trachoma, the world’s leading cause of infectious blindness.

In further good news, Belize was finally declared malaria-free in July by the World Health Organization. It came as nations approved a new malaria vaccine tgat is believed to offer up to 80% protection from the disease. Experts claim it could save thousands of lives annually, many of them children’s.

Image:Bennett Tobias

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (4)

4. The end of Alzheimer’s edged nearer

Did 2023 mark the beginning of the end for Alzheimer’s? There was reason for optimism, after two drugs were found to slow the disease.

Donanemab and Lecanemab work by clearing the amyloid protein that builds up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. Trials suggest they can slow cognitive decline, but not halt the disease. The drugs – set for UK approval in 2024 – mark a turning point in treating a disease that is expected to affect 1.7m Britons by 2040.

“We’re now on the cusp of a first generation of treatments for Alzheimer’s, something that many thought impossible only a decade ago,” said Dr Susan Kohlhaas, executive director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK. “People should be really encouraged by this news.”

Image: RDNE Stock project

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5. There were major cancer breakthroughs

There were some notable breakthroughs in the treatment of cancer in 2023. A new cervical cancer treatment using cheap, existing drugs was described as “the biggest improvement in outcome in this disease in over 20 years”. Scientists also made a “tremendously exciting” breakthrough in treating prostate cancer. England, meanwhile, approved a drug shown to prevent breast cancer.

All this came as researchers at University College London developed a “cancer-busting guided missile” using ‘clink chemistry’, which is likely to emerge as a potent force for tackling cancer in the future.

There was also progress in diagnosing the disease. A 10-minute MRI scan for prostate cancer was shown to be more reliable at detecting the disease than existing blood tests. Meanwhile, England’s roaming ‘lung trucks’ improved early diagnosis for lung cancer among deprived groups.

And in the US, data offered a welcome reminder of the progress that has been made already, revealing that cancer death rates have plummeted by a third since 1991.

Image: National Cancer Institute

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (6)

6. Scientists offered tips for slowing ageing

How can we live longer? It’s a question that’s occupied humanity through the ages, and this year scientists offered up more clues.

Contributing to a growing body of research, they nailed down eight healthy lifestyle habits that could add up to 24 years to your life. They include being physically active, having a good diet, sleeping well and having positive social relationships.

Image: RDNE Stock project

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What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (7)

7. Climate reparations became a reality

Oil-rich Dubai was a controversial host for December’s Cop28 climate summit, but despite various controversies it chalked up a few achievements.

One was the final agreement, signed by almost 200 nations, to “transition away from fossil fuels”. It was a historic moment for climate rhetoric and particularly significant given that petrostates signed up. However, scientists said the agreement lacked ambition and is riddled with loopholes.

Perhaps a greater achievement was the launch of the loss and damage fund, which countries worst-hit by climate change can now access. Wealthy nations, including the UK, UAE and Germany, made significant contributions. Nevertheless, questions remain, such as how it will be funded in the future.

Image: Ana Pessoa/Midia Ninja/CopCollab25

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (8)

8. Ecuador voted to just stop oil

In a historic referendum that pitted people against big oil, Ecuadorians voted to halt drilling in a protected region of the Amazon in August.

Some 60% of voters said ‘no’ to oil exploration in Yasuní national park, which is home to uncontacted Indigenous communities. The territory spans 1m hectares (2.5m acres) and contains Ecuador’s biggest reserves of crude.

Indigenous leader Nemonte Nenquimo hailed the victory. “Although big oil and politicians think that they can decide over our lives, we can defeat them through unity,” she said.

Image: Añangu

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (9)

9. Climate litigation ramped up

Litigation has emerged as a vital tool for ramping up climate action. So read a report by the United Nations, which found that the number of climate court cases being brought have more than doubled in five years.

The report, released in July, highlighted a series of landmark rulings, including a Dutch court ordering oil giant Shell to cut its emissions.

The UN said that as climate litigation becomes more common, the body of legal precedent grows, forming an increasingly well-defined field of law.

A month after the report came out, young environmentalists successfully sued the fossil fuel-rich US state of Montana for violating their right to a clean environment. It was the first time a US court has ruled against a government for a violation of constitutional rights based on climate change.

Image: Li-An Lim

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (10)

10. Class finally entered the climate debate

An investigation by Oxfam in November revealed that the richest 1% of humanity belched out more emissions in 2019 than the poorest 66%.

That might not sound like good news, but it paves the way for the kind of targeted climate solutions that Paris is pioneering. Billing it as a form of “social justice”, the French capital plans to triple parking rates for SUVs. Research shows that carbon emissions from the global SUV fleet outweighs that of most countries.

Curbing private jet use is another high-impact climate policy that wouldn’t affect ordinary citizens. According to a study commissioned by the UK government, 75% of aviation’s emissions come from private jets. “Reducing these flights by half would reduce the sector’s emissions by approximately 37% ,” the study said.

Image: Nils Nedel

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (11)

11. Positive tipping points offered hope

Most people are familiar with climate tipping points: one component of an ecosystem collapsing, sparking a chain of irreversible disasters.

But in 2023, academics from England’s University of Exeter (led by Prof Tim Lenton, pictured) tipped the notion of tipping points on its head, claiming breakthroughs in low-carbon technologies could soon trigger an unstoppable wave of decarbonisation, or what they call positive tipping points.

Researchers said that small policy interventions to promote electric cars, green fertilisers and plant-based alternatives to meat could give low-carbon solutions the edge over their CO2-emitting equivalents, unlocking rapid emissions cuts. Read more here.

Image: James Bannister

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (12)

12. Speaking of tipping points

China’s emissions are forecast to start falling in 2024, thanks to the country’s rapid rollout of renewables.

The world’s biggest polluter saw a spike in emissions in the first few months of 2023 as it bounced back from Covid. But it also installed a record amount of green energy infrastructure, which experts predict will tip fossil fuel use for electricity generation into an era of structural decline in China.

Meanwhile, in the EU, burning coal and gas for generating electricity fell to record lows this year, according to a report by the energy thinktank Ember, published in August.

Falling demand for electricity paired with a renewables surge drove a 17% “collapse” in fossil fuel generation for the first six months of the year, Ember said. Meanwhile, solar increased by 13% and wind by 5%.

Image: Xooooye

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (13)

13. The rise of renewables became ‘unstoppable’

Renewables will provide half the world’s electricity by 2030, according to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in October.

The global energy watchdog said that major shifts will mean a “considerably different” global energy system by the end of the decade, with demand for oil, coal and gas forecast to peak within seven years.

“The transition to clean energy is happening worldwide and it’s unstoppable. It’s not a question of ‘if’, it’s just a matter of ‘how soon’ – and the sooner the better for all of us,” said IEA executive director Fatih Birol.

The report was published before Cop28, at which nations agreed to work to triple renewable capacity by 2030.

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What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (14)

14. The ‘holy grail’ of energy moved closer

The prospect of near-limitless clean energy moved a step closer in 2023 as scientists achieved ‘ignition’ – getting more energy out than you put in – using nuclear fusion.

Fusion harnesses the heat produced in merging atoms together. Unlike fission, or ‘splitting the atom’, which is used in existing nuclear power stations, there’s no risk of a chain reaction meltdown, and no dangerous radioactive waste.

It was the second time that scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, achieved ignition. Dr Robbie Scott, from the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council, collaborated closely with the Livermore team. He told Positive News that repeating the experiment proved an understanding of its underlying physics. “Now we can go on to improve it with the ultimate goal of one day generating electricity using fusion,” he Scott.

Image: Hal Gatewood

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What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (15)

15. There was a dramatic turnaround in the Amazon

The Amazon breathed a little easier in 2023 following years of rampant deforestation. Analysis by Amazon Conservation, a nonprofit that monitors the rainforest across nine countries, said that deforestation rates are down 55.8% compared to last year.

It follows efforts to halt tree loss, notably in Brazil, where president Lula has ramped up environmental enforcement and got tougher on illegal mining. Rômulo Batista, a spokesperson for Greenpeace Brazil, described the trend as “good news”.

Image: JarnoVerdonk/iStock

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (16)

16. Some species stepped back from the brink

The list of endangered species continued to grow in 2023, but some creatures bounced back from the brink. One of them was the scimitar-horned oryx, which until 2023 was listed as ‘extinct in the wild’ but has been successfully reintroduced to Chad using captive animals.

Brazil’s golden lion tamarin was another source of good news. The rare monkey, found only in Rio de Janeiro state, was poached almost to extinction. Now more of them are jumping around the Atlantic rainforest than at any time in the last half a century, thanks to conservation efforts.

Other notable successes include: the return of blue whales to waters off the Seychelles; Scotland’s surging golden eagle population; the return of the Takahē, a flightless bird, to New Zealand; India and Nepal’s burgeoning tiger populations; the reintroduction of Przewalski’s horses to Spain; the return of the bittern to England; and the barren Caribbean island that came back to life.

Image: MarwanAndrew

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (17)

17. More land (and sea) was set aside for nature

A “historic” pledge to safeguard the world’s oceans was signed by UN member states in September after two decades of talks.

Nearly 200 countries signed up to the legally binding High Seas Treaty, which aims to grant protected status to 30% of oceans outside national boundaries. Currently, just 1.2% of international waters are protected, with most threatened by overfishing.

Meanwhile, in a first for Europe, Albania designated the continent’s “last wild river” a national park. The free-flowing Vjosa supports many endangered species, including the European eel, Egyptian vulture and Balkan lynx. Plans had been submitted to dam the river, but national park status protects it from such developments.

Image: Sebastian Pena Lambarri

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (18)

18. More countries broke down barriers around sexuality

There were notable wins for the LGBTQ community in 2023, as a clutch of countries broke down some of the barriers to same-sex partnerships.

Nepal registered its first gay marriage in November, becoming one of the first Asian nations to do so. Latvia, a laggard in relatively liberal Europe, also voted to legalise same-sex partnerships. Meanwhile, a court ruling in Peru and another in South Korea recognised the legal status of same-sex couples for the first time.

Image: Anna Shvets

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (20)

19. The Indigenous land rights movement made progress

More than 100m hectares (254m acres) of land across 39 countries have been restored to Indigenous communities over the last five years, according to the latest Who owns the world’s land? report.

Compiled by the Rights and Resources Initiative, it credited progress to the UN’s sustainable development goals strategy, the Paris agreement, and campaigning by Land Rights Now.

There is still much to be done, however. Indigenous communities face many threats to their ancestral lands, including in Brazil, where congress is trying to strip back land rights for Indigenous people.

Image: filipefrazao/iStock

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (21)

20. Gender gaps in business closed

The pay gap between full-time working women and their male counterparts in the US is now narrower than ever, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics – but there’s a way to go before parity is reached.

Many feared that the pandemic would reverse pay gap progress, but the opposite appears to be true, with women now making 84 cents (£0.74) for every $1 (£0.88) that men earn for similar work – the closest it’s ever been.

Here, the proportion of women in boardroom roles at listed British firms rose above 40%, data published in February revealed. FTSE 350 companies were set a 2025 deadline to achieve the 40% target, hitting it three years early. Just over a decade ago, 152 of the 350 listed firms had no women on the board at all.

Image:Brooke Cagle

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (22)

21. Tech taming legislation was (belatedly) introduced

Concern about the power of artificial intelligence was a key theme for 2023. Enter the EU, which in December agreed the world’s first comprehensive laws to regulate AI.

The agreement puts restrictions on the use of AI in surveillance, and means that makers of AI systems, like those powering ChatGPT, will face transparency requirements.

The new law still needs final approval, and many aspects of it are not expected to come into force for up to two years, which is a long time in the world of AI development.

In the US, there was good news for privacy campaigners as California’s Delete Act edged closer to law. The bill will make it easy for residents to request their personal information be deleted by all data brokers in the state.

Image: Moor Studio/iStock

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (23)

22. Rail’s golden age gathered pace

Amid much fanfare, some key rail routes launched in Europe this year, as eco-minded travellers took trains in ever greater numbers.

A new sleeper between Brussels and Berlin set off into the night for the first time in October (it will go all the way to Prague from 2024). And in December, a new Paris-Berlin sleeper launched, providing a much-needed nocturnal route between the two capitals.

The EU has liberalised its rail network to foster competition, drive down fares and tempt more travellers away from the skies.

Image: sculpies/iStock

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (24)

23. Scientists created an alternative to palm oil

Food experts have cooked up a substitute for one of the world’s most environmentally contentious ingredients: palm oil.Developed using linseed and rapeseed, its makers say it can be made locally at scale, avoiding the deforestation and habitat loss associated with palm oil production in countries including Malaysia and Indonesia.

Scientists from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland, have already patented the substance – PALM-AT – and are in talks with potential industry partners.

Catriona Liddle, head of the Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation, told Positive News: “Palm oil itself is kind of a magic ingredient – it’s a shame that it’s unhealthy and bad for the environment. We’ve replaced it with something significantly healthier using clean label ingredients available in the UK and Europe.”

Image: Malcolm Cochrane Photography

What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (25)

24. The right to repair went mainstream

In a watershed moment for consumer rights – and a win for the planet – electronics giant Apple has backed plans for a right to repair law in the US, after years spent doggedly lobbying against it.

In further signs that the right to repair movement is heading into the mainstream, France introduced a ‘make do and mend’ bonus, offering citizens rebates on clothing and shoe repairs.

Meanwhile, in London, a repair centre launched to slow down fast fashion. The United Repair Centre employs refugees and other people who struggle to access the jobs market.

Image: cottonbro studio

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25. The four-day week trials confounded critics

It has often been dismissed as utopian thinking, but the four-day week silenced some critics in 2023. The results of the world’s largest trial, which took place in the UK, suggested it was a win-win for employees and bosses.

And there was more good news to come for advocates of a longer weekend. Similar trials in the US and in South Africa, where participants worked fewer hours for the same pay, suggested a shorter working week brought “huge benefits”. Critics questioned whether those benefits can be sustained long term.

Image: Docusign
Main image: Spencer Wilson

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What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News (2024)


What went right in 2023: the top 25 good news stories of the year - Positive News? ›

2023 saw the continuing rise of female athletes, the Women's World Cup drew record crowds and viewers around the world and the U.S. team collapsed midway for new champions Spain, so did the women's NCAA basketball finals. The Louisiana State beat Iowa and the game broke records for scoring attendance and viewership.

What good news happened in 2023? ›

Top feel-good news stories from 2023
  • Daughter surprises dad by being his kidney donor. ...
  • Viral cat dubbed 'largest cat anyone has ever seen' gets adopted. ...
  • Teen saves sister from attempted kidnapping with slingshot. ...
  • FedEx driver helps rescue man from burning car.
Dec 25, 2023

What good things are happening in the world in 2023? ›

Here is a collection of uplifting news to come out of 2023.
  • A powerful laser veered lightning strikes off their path. ...
  • Asteroid rocks and dust were brought to Earth. ...
  • Scientists grew mouse embryos for the first time ever in space. ...
  • A rare egg-laying mammal was rediscovered after decades.
Dec 31, 2023

What good news is there in the world? ›

  • Giraffes return to Angola, known medicine significantly reduces STIs, writing by hand is good for your brain.
  • Iberian Lynx population reaches historic high, membrane removes CO2 from waste gases, self-healing aluminium.

What major things have happened in 2023? ›

2023 saw the continuing rise of female athletes, the Women's World Cup drew record crowds and viewers around the world and the U.S. team collapsed midway for new champions Spain, so did the women's NCAA basketball finals. The Louisiana State beat Iowa and the game broke records for scoring attendance and viewership.

What actually happened in 2023? ›

October 5 – November 19 – The 2023 Cricket World Cup is held in India, and is won by Australia. Israel–Hamas war: Hamas launches an incursion into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing more than 1,100 Israelis and taking about 240 hostages, prompting a military response from the Israel Defense Forces.

Who made the biggest impact in 2023? ›

They are the most influential people of 2023.

What happened in 2023 in India? ›

2023 Maharashtra bus accident: 26 bus passengers die when a bus catches fire on Samruddhi Expressway in Buldhana, Maharashtra. The state of Uttar Pradesh is struck by a severe heat wave, leading to at least 121 deaths in two cities.

How to progress in 2023? ›

Progress Check-In: Time To Get Your 2023 Goals Back On Track
  1. Reflecting on Your 2023 Goals. ...
  2. Realigning and Refocusing. ...
  3. Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges. ...
  4. Seeking Inspiration and Support. ...
  5. Staying Committed. ...
  6. You Can Do It!
Aug 9, 2023

What is good in the world now? ›

This time it won't be ourselves speaking, but solid data.
  • In the last 20 years the proportion of people living in extreme poverty worldwide, has almost halved. ...
  • 80% people in the world have some access to electricity. ...
  • Income per person doubled since year 2000. ...
  • School enrollment grew by 17% since 1970.

What is best thing in this world? ›

The best thing in the world is truth - as long as it is not cruel to a friend. Or it's pleasure, as long as it is not in haste to end. I'd be interested to hear what other readers think about this? To me, the not-sentences kind of suggest that the best things in the world are quite difficult to get hold of.

What has happened in the world recently? ›

World News
  • Wives of Mobilized Russian Soldiers Hold Rare Protest at Defense Ministry Demanding Their Return. ...
  • Biden Says Hamas Is Sufficiently Depleted. ...
  • Portugal Toughens Migration Rules After Swing to the Right. ...
  • Four More Israeli Hostages Died in Gaza Captivity, Israel's Military Says.

What is a good new story? ›

Good stories are those that interest, surprise or shock people. And for stories to be accessible people have to be involved – what's commonly known as 'human interest'.

Where can I find positive news? ›

40 Best Good News Websites
  • Good News Websites. Upworthy. The Better India. Goodnet. YES! Magazine. Good News Network. ABC News » Good News. Positive News. SA Good News. Daily Good. Jane Goodall's Good for All News. Sunny Skyz. Reasons to be Cheerful. Good News Pilipinas. Good Good Good. Good News. ...
  • Good Journalists.
  • Good News Newsletter.

What is the worlds best news? ›

World's Best News is an independent news organisation for constructive journalism and campaigns. We report on progress and sustainable solutions to challenges in global development.

What are all the events in 2023? ›

Here's a recap of all major world events in 2023.
  • Hamas' October attack on Israel. ...
  • India becomes world's most populous country. ...
  • G20 Summit. ...
  • Russia Mutiny. ...
  • Henry Kissinger's death. ...
  • BRICS Summit. ...
  • Iran-Saudi detente. ...
  • Turkey and Syria Earthquake.
Dec 30, 2023

What is the biggest accomplishment of 2023? ›

The landing of the spacecraft on the moon is among the most notable human achievements of 2023. But it is also likely to be the first of many others to come. This year saw Nobel Prize winners and space explorers alike win big for humankind.

What is the biggest science news in 2023? ›

The Science staff named glucagon-like peptide-1 therapies as the 2023 Breakthrough of the Year, but there were many other research advances that caught our attention last year. All of our runners-up to the Breakthrough of the Year had an impact on both science and society last year.

What important events happened in February 2023? ›

  • Tom Brady (Actually) Retires. ...
  • Springsteen and E Street Band's World Tour. ...
  • Francis Holds Mass in Kinshasa. ...
  • Ozzy Osbourne Cancels Tour. ...
  • LeBron Breaks Kareem's Record. ...
  • Biden's State of the Union. ...
  • Electricity Crisis. ...
  • Rihanna Performs at Super Bowl.
Feb 1, 2023

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