The Jefferson County Tribune from Oskaloosa, Kansas (2024)

Chas Johnson WH Johnson. Jones day morning and brought Mr, Bur-nura's mother back with' hor as far as Oskaloosa. There was not a very large attendance Sunday but as there seemed to be a little uncertainty as to there being services that accounts for the small congregation it Is more likely that there will be a larger attendance now that every one is certain that they will hear a sermon when they go. We are sorry to report that it is feared that Mr. Robert Davison cannot survive long, Sunday afternoon he didn't seem to known any one.

A few young folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Davis in the Lone Tree neighborhood Saturday night and spent the evening playing games and pulling taffy. Benedict Kulmers, who "has been spending a few weeks with his uncle, Lem Davis left Monday for Missouri, where he expects to spend a short time and then return to his home at strikingly Illustrated In Edith Robinson's story "God Have Mercy on Us" In the November Lipplncott's. It is one the strongest and most original stories which have appeared In a dt cade.

The Increase in the price of paper has been a factor In forcing another one of our magazines to increase in price. The Woman's Home Companion, preparing to give its readers a bigger and better magazine, will raise its price from 10 cents to 15 cents a copy, and from $1.00 to $1.25 a year in a few weeks. This advance Is In part due to the Increased size and value of the magazine, and in part to the Increased price of paper, which is affecting every publisher in the United States. When a splinter has been driven deep into the hand, it can be extracted without pain by steam. Nearly fill a wide-mouthed bottle with hot water, place the Injured part over the mouth of the bottle, and press tightly.

The auction will draw the flesh down, and Personal Property Valuations. Following Is a list of the personal property assessments as approved by the board of equalization under the new law which provides that all property be assessed at Its ACTUAL VALUE; so a perusal of this list will give the actual value of all the person- al property owned by residents of the respective townships of the county. The personal property statement is taken under about heads and It would therefore be a big Job to give it in the rpinor details, but the following grouping will suQlce. The first column gives money on and In bank. The second column gives household goods, the third column other personal property which includes watches, diamonds, jewelry, cut glass, plate and silverware, pianos, carriages, machinery, dive stock, bonds, mortgages, notes etc.

Stocks of merchandise are marked with an bank stock with an printing office material with a c. and elevators with a v. The fourth column gives the total actual value of all the personal property owned by the person named, from which if he is the head of a family there Is an exemption of $200. If you want a complete record of Taylor, witness fees DeMoss case. 75 Floyd Patterson, witness fees DeMoss case 75 Ottinger, constable feci DeMosa case 16 95 Total 80 40 A Jenkins, viewer and chairman JM Wood road 5 50 Gray, viewer and chairman Wood road 6 60 Stumber, viewer and return I Deever road 4 00 WES Miley, viewer I Deever road 2 00 Johnston, viewer I Deever road 2 00 Johnson, chairman I Deever road 1 60 Clark, chairman I Deever ,160 Total $4 894 08 Open Publicity the Best Guarantee of Merit When the maker of a medicine, sold through druggists for family use, takes his patients fully Into his confidence by frankly and fearlessly publishing broadcast as well as on its bottle wrappers, a full list of all its' ingredients In plain English, this action on his part Is the best possible evidence tha't he is not afraid to have the searchlight of investigation turned full on his formula and that it will bear the most thorough investigation.

Dr. Price's Favorite Prescription for the cure of weaknesses, periodical pains and functional derangements of the organs distinctly feminine, is a medicine put up for sale through druggists for woman's special use, the maker of which takes his patients into his full confidence by open and honest publicity. A glance at the published ingredients on each bottle wrapper, will show that it is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no poisonous or habit-forming narcotics and no alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength being used instead of the commonly employed alcohol, both for extracting and preserving the active medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants employed. If interested, send name and address to Dr. R.

V.Pierce, Buffalo, N. for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers, endorsing the several ingredients and telling just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. It's free for the asking. w.

the entire county, keep a file of this paper from week to week: This publication started in the issue of the week of August 7th, and will be continued until all townships have teen published In alphabetical order. 60 80 690 820 25 245 270 150 VS0 380 20 30 610 660 10 10 250 270 150 90 1630 1770 1000 800 1G070 17370 40 1100 1140 700 780 40 2090 2910 600 60 840 1490 800 75 1305 1680 SO 1350 1380 60 890 940 40 880 920 85 955 1090 1 75 8756 8830 80 240 270 i 140 60 270 460 I 25 465 490 1 650 40 2120 2810 85 695 730 430 20 820 770 600 25 8925 4650 200 4000 4200 150 40 620 810 800 310 610 10 820 830 40 170 210 1 50 1140 1190 40 30 600 670 15 15 SO 1 290 290 60 690 750 20 2320 2340 1 60 25 1415 1530 250 40 860 1150 40 60 640 730 60 940 990 1560 35 465 COO 1815 150 4265 6230 220 50 35 1635 1720 50 2200 2250 75 925 1000 40 1150 1190 40 260 300 60 40 2520 2560 20 1190 1210 40 430 470 240 100 25 1675 1S03 30 300 330 100 1500 1600 20 340 360 35 685 720 60 920 980 30 970 1000 50 50 510 640 310 25 845 870 20 820 840 60 2690 2740 25 3085 3110 30 760 790 375 40 355 770 60 930 990 430 60 75 5165 6290 250 25 455 730 35 50 3055 3140 15 675 690 3590 25 1065 1090 60 490 550 15 615 630 430 20 440 460 25 685 710 20 210 230 800 40 360 1200 60 20 910 980 25 785 810 50 610 660 30 360 890 50 3790 3840 50 15 365 430 45 20S5 2130 400 50 1480 1930 100 50 4470 4620 75 905 9S0 300 50 1160 1210 210 25 405 430 440 20 720 1180 20 330 350 30 1110 1170 20 1590 1610 20 630 650 30 1070 1100 5 805 810 50 31150 4400 15 49S5 5000 35 60 3505 3660 150 1900 2050 25 1935 1960 40 4390 4430 150 25 545 720 Mr. Kulmers we understand is onej of the deputy rural mail carriers of Leavenworth. Mr. and Mrs.

Willie Smurr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Champion. Mr. ank Mrs.

Worthy Wellman visited Mrs. Wellraans brother near Six Corners in Douglas County Sunday. The people of the Wellman neigh borhood are rejoicing at the prospect of regular services at the church again. There was preaching Sunday afternoon and will be every Sunday at 3 p. m.

hereafter. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. We did not learn the preachers name. He is a young man and we hope him success in -his work here and elsewhere. J.

B. Schencks of Lone Tree is building some sheds and barn room, Geo. Scott is doing the work? There will be a basket 'social at Wellman school house Nov. 27. Don't forget the date, everybody invited, a program will be rendered.

riagazines for the Month. There is an old fable of how a man met the Plague stalking toward a certain city, and asked the dread visitant why he went. "I go to slay three thousand people," replied the Plague. Later the man met the Plague returning. "You said you were going to slay three thousand people," the man complained, "but you slew thirty thousand.

How is this?" "Nay," said the Plague; "I slew but three thousand. The rest died of fright." This influence of mind over matter is I In a minute or two the steam will extricate the splinter and the inflammation will disappear. November Woman's Home Companion. Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of the Denver Juvenile Court, hits straight from the shoulder in "The Public Schools and Morality," appearing in the The Housekeeper for November.

It is one of the articles in the series, The The Truth About the Public Schools. Any parent who is smugly assured that everything is all right, of course, would do well to read what one of the greatest students of child life has to say. On the other hand, it will cheer those who are despondent about conditions. The number is strong in readable fiction and good special articles. "The Golden Harvest" is a Thanksgiving story, a little bit different "Winning the Fight Against Consumption," is an article prepared by the editors, "now We Elect Presidents," by Dora Bachellef, tells the story for women readers.

The departments are full of interest for the home. The Housekeeper Corporation Minneapolis, Minn. Seventy-rive cents a year. Why pay old line rates for Insurance when you can get quicker and more liberal set tlements from the Alliance Cooperative Insurance at less cost? See Geo. Harman, Valley Falls; C.

B. Harman, Oskaloosa. HOW THE COUNTY MONEY IS SPENT Following: are the Warrants Al lowed at the Regular October Meeting ol the County Commissioners. POOR WARRANTS plies for Mrs. Dayton 21 63 is, labor on farm 12 76 painting at poor farm 7 60 ward 6 00 corn for farm 11530 corn for farm 80 13 18 80 14 25 .98 15 87 60 87 60 16 00 8 60 8 25 26 00 1 60 80 90 10 40 6 60 7 60 1 50 corn on farm quarter ending June 30 3 McCreight, salary county phy quarter ending September 30 medical attendance Mrs.

rh, medical attendance Ready i Puderbat Wott'ord Geo Riley, sheriff lees Joe Allison Inq Riley, conveying Allison to Wil-liamstown Esson, help convey Joe Allison to Oskaloosa Riley, conveying insane to Kansas City 9 50 cemetery Mr. Val Lieu 10 00 Nortonville, supplies for poor 23 86 I Morrow, supplies for Chapman 13 15 ank Cochran, salary superintendent farm 180 00 omas Sears, care of imbecile child 10 00 fISeal. supplies for Mrs. Compton 38 84 McCreight, medical attendance Ben Daniels 65 60 Rankins, medical attendance Milton Howard 10 00 Nincehelser, coal for farm 68 44 Frank Morrison, smithing for the county farm V. 150 Kentucky township, supplies for 70 36 Burns, medical attendance for Aber- nathy family 1U Griflin Son, medicine for poor 6 05 Gish case: Marks, medical attend ance Gish family 25 45 True, judge fees Gish insane 11 40 A Smith, commissioner fees in Gish in sane case 6 00 Johnston, commissioner fees in Gish in sane case 5 00 Henry Keeler, counsel's fees in Gish in sane case 6 00 Geo.

Riley, sheriff fees in Gish insane case 14 co Dornblaser, witness fees in Gish in sane case 3 10 Fred Harwood, witness fees in Giah in sane case 3 10 Geo. Piper, witness fees Gish insane case 2 30 Fred Piper, witness fees Gish insane case 2 30 Ford, witness fees Gish insane case 2 30 Al Lowry. coroner fees Gish insane case 13 25 Total Vi 4" Golden, smithing for farm 9 25 Henderson, extracting teeth farm 5 00 Ira Puderbaugh, medical attendance Reaves 17 90 Elmer Stice, labor on farm 30 00 Patterson Chapman, mdse for farm 23 34 Martin, supplies for poor 3 25 MiltonCain, medical attendance Hendrick 48 10 James Quackenbush, use drill at farm. 4 60 Frank Cochran, labor on farm 10 00 Richards, medical attendance poor. 15 00 Richards, medical attendance Greas- on, Peterson, IrwinsCompton, Dayton 118 95 Total 1 450 40 GENERAL WARRANTS Geo A Frisbie.

attending state board of eaualization 20 00 Gardiner, general fee bill 20 00 Geo Cotton, wolf scalp 1 00 Dave Caldwell, wolf scalp 2 00 Frank Robohn. wolf scalp 1 00 Lester Whitehead, gopher scalps 140 Byrn. official publications. 221 75 Kice, salary county superintendent and office supplies ail A Bliss, salary and ex as deputy county clerk iu w) EE Clark, salary as county surveyor 133 50 Sc-haener, salary as county attorney and expense o04 60 Foy Weisnaar, salary as county clerk, freight, and postage hi ou Henry Abbuehl, salary as county treasur er and expenses asi A Dennis, janitor 135 00 Geo A Patterson, salary as county com missioner 62 50 33 40 Geo A Patterson, salary as bridge com missioner and mileage Metzger, salary as county commis sioner, bridge commissioner and mile-ape Geo Reppert, salary as county commissioner, bridge commissioner and mite 91 95 age Ira Puderbaugh, salaryas county health ollicer 86 15 76 45 McCain, salary as under sherilT 150 00 Kerns, salary as deputy county treasurer Ethel Leach, salary as deputy register of deeds State bank, office rent Patterson Chapman, supplies for court house GWCorn, labor on bridge Foy Weisnaar, delivering primary ballots True, Balary prohibitory law and ex penses Metzger. hauling- lumber for county Brown, labor on Stumber bridge.

Cobb, labor on Hurley bridge FrunkTurner, labor on Turner bridge Geo Riley, board of prisoners Geo Riley, notice to bury stock Geo Riley, investigating contagious disease Geo Riley opening closing probate court Geo Riley, expense election proclamation Geo Riley conveying Luster to court Frank Leach, telephone, postage and re 50 00 61 96 1 00 47 B0 65 00 6 00 72 55 70 55 51 00 31 50 8 50 50 2000 790 520 390 270 15 00 1360 1120 1380 cording deeds 1190 910 2680 1200 570 1040 1570 Morrison, labor on boiler Byrn, publishing notices 100 1 60 19 00 11 25 2 45 Roberts, supplies lor county Housh Sons, supplies for county Dockhorn, supplies and repairs on adder Chas Golden, repair probate office Joe Nichols, cleaning jail and blankets. 8 50 8 50 6 00 9 50 Johnson A Jenkins Johnson Kicfter Austin Kay IN Klingensmlth Andrew Keys A Kessinger Kessinger Fred Kenyon Kline A Keeling Leaverton, guardian Leaverton LD Langley Jno Ly Hon Larner Chas Meadowcroft Mcintosh, guardian. CW Mcintosh, guardian. Mcintosh i. A Meredith Jas Mains GW McKendree Meredith Mackey A McEndree Montgomery McEndree McKemey McCreight RH Nelson ft Newell Jno Nichols CS Noble Oroke RE Oroke Jno Oswald Ottinger I Owens Parsons Tim Paynn Pottorf Albert Pike A Parsons WH Pottorf Pinzon A Parks Quackenbush Robohn Repstine Richardson Eddie Richardson 910 340 650 150 970 2490 80 330 870 1140 3910 -850 380 760 530 950 70 920 1090 890 1990 1290 290 790 Ritchie.

Jno Rice CE Carl Richtcr Rumbaugh Ross Robinson States Tabitha Shaw Earl Shaw Shaw Trower Trapp A Stellar 730. Stewart 1010 500 650 3750 2600 1550 440 300 750 120 770 Stallons. Sinnard A Starliper Geo Sloop Soloman Smith Wm Schrick Sheldon Sheldon, guardian Sheldon Scott GT Scott Fred Smith Stockwell HSnellgrove WShrader Schenck A Sweet Chas Edwin Snyder Stanley Snyder Ralph Snyder Searle Schuster Spurlock 1740 3S0 250 3600 350 10G0 1C20 490 1770 710 1850 3010 1590 3020 1050 560 910 320 380 1220 290 500 440 Taylor Thomas Lumber Monroe Tompkins A Tompkins A Underwood LE West Co. 25 765 20 10 50 60 40 80 40 50 50 30 25 370 2G0 1310 1060 1340 1110 2593 1150 495 920 1045 Wheeler 350 740 60 1300 270 470 970 680 1380 760 360 1770 660 1600 440 610 400 1670 1080 630 Weir A Wiley A White A White TV Wilson 50 25 90 500 Wray A Jno Zachariah OSKALOOSA CITY Alexander Henry Abbuehl 665 25 190 45 100 175 40 75 665 300 325 145 355 60 75 50 40 70 20 150 Anderson A Buck Helen Balsley GW BaylesB Rurnett $240 A Brown 8 8 8-9 a 2 3 3" 51 .3 5" OSKALOOSA TOWNSHIP 40 I Bell Boles Brown Beaghen Bell Bowman Eugene Birdsley Brown I Brown 200 Burns 300 Brown Jl Brown Wm Brown 150 Brown Rachel Brooks Arthur Capper TE Cunningham Cox 100 Clark WP Clark LH Cochran A Corn Jno Carson A Carson Coulter 20 Carter FM Carter Casebier A Cole Bert Carey WH Clark Casebier 600 870 320 530 940 2415 305 650 810 20 20 30 75 25 20 80 50 20 20 20 50 30 40 30 100 60 75 48. 25 50 20 30 50 60 30 25 20 210 740 520 900 890 950 860 1890 1240 215 750 705 960 460 620 3700 2550 1520 415 280 150 Casebier EM Clapper 40 730 Critchfietd Henry Cotton I.

Clark David Cook 450 0 Curd Eli Clay Lucinda Cashatt Clark Mary Daniels 500 Isaiah Dick XL Davis JC Davis 600 Dick 250 Tom Davis 200 Davis Jno Dailey Douglass Davis Dave Denning Dick 400 Ceo Dennis A Danner Jno Dill Ceo Davis 1 Dunn Davis 50 TT 20 Jno Doyle Edwards Erhart 300 Mary Edwards CE Elliott Ben English David 975 Fauber WBFord 5 30 75 75 25 20 10 25 60 75 70 50 375 220 3150 275 985 995 470 1260 685 3250 1265 2750 1000 525 895 295 370 790 270 495 325 35 15 25 10 30 20 5 25 20 50 20 30 30 20 75 10 20 30 100 20 75 50 75 50 60 30 30 60 10 30 25 60 200 720 10 1230 250 440 640 660 1305 750 340 765 1500 420 435 350 1545 1030 570 1110 600 2160 655 1140 380 515 2050 1015 Chas Gutschenritter Gibbs RayGaskill Gibbs 50 Fred Glock, jr Jas Graham Boxanna Gragg Oliver Gensler David Grayson Garren 76 Gay LA 45 SHGaskill 60 Albert Gramse Gardiner 125 ADVERTISE YOUR PUBLIC SALE Wellman Gossip Worthy Wellman was confined to the house the first part of last week week with rheumatism. Mrs. W. W. Wellman and children visited Mrs.

Wellman's mother and other relatives north of Oskaloosa Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Burnum went to Topeka Thursday night and returned Satur 37 65 00 76 50 50 50 00 00 56 601 35 00 28 CO 00 00 00 55 43 CO 00 00 00 Of course, your By in this and or postal less? the value sells at public the farmers too, if bidder to We will sale bills, less, and time you ON ADVERTISE Patterson, supplies Oscar Kirkpatrick, supplies Oskaloosa Light lights Nincehelser, coal for county 170 A TraDD. lumber for county 177 John Williamson, livery 16 Pennington, livery and hauling 19 Gardiner, livery 3 A Stockwell, repairs on bridge 7 Joe Newson, stock and repairs on heat ing plant 43 you want-full publicity for public sale, but how can you get it? advertising, we say, more especially paper.

Our service is valuable reaches more people than sale bills cards, and the cost is considerably No man can afford to ignore of advertising, whether he merchandise or live stock or goods auction. This paper reaches and you want to reach them, you are going to sell at highest or private sale the greater number buy the better bids you may get. also print you the best quality charge no more and often yet give you a better job. Next want sale bills, tell your auctioneer to have them printed here. INSIST ITI And don't don't forget to IT IN THIS PAPER.

00 1 56 5 00 880 320 780 770 10210 480 330 240 60 920 970 125 60 65 240 40 30 360 430 100 680 780 300 100 150 380 630 30 630 660 40 30 70 75 325 400 800 160 160 1060 30 270 300 100 100 25 235 260 120 120 150 780 930 110 675 60 155 780 230 40 900 1170 70 450 520 100 420 620 200 100 360 660 100 450 550 1200 60 380 1630 6000 350 150 5500 12200 1410 40 250 290 400 400 100 250 350 Blevins 1140 630 2210 740 Urial Bliss A Boles Geo Beyer Oskaloosa Horse Co A Buck WC Bell 1170 430 590 2100 Geo Briner Buck 1340 150 150 A Bliss Brock CE A Chapman 610 390 1120 1280 740 Emma Susie Chitwood. 1170 1050 1010 620 Chapman. Clark BF Cook Crawford. 180 1390 390 390 Mollie Critchfield. Critchfield Dyson 1380 420 2160 Deibert.

470 610 1910 1040 220 650 1270 780 1590 Remember to tell our vertiser3 vou saw their nouncements in these It will help us, wont hurt and please car advertisers. BenGaskill Edwin Gaskill Caleb A Harvey Jno Harvey 1100 Hensleigh Huston LR Hull 200 Hudson A Haineg Hopewell 25 WH Hopewell Hoadley WG Hatfield Stewarts est, Hawk guar 390 Chas Hawk Hatch Pat Fred 150 Hampton MA Hannah Hannah 475 A Hofmann A Hunter Frttz Icks Johnson. Jeffries McCreight, supplies for the county Fov Weishaar expense Del river drainage Sam'l Dodsworth Book supplies for county Roberts grading teachers manuscript HMcMath grading teachrs manuscript John Arnold, stonework bridge Evans fees Luster case Evans, constable fees Luster case. Thos Fairchild, digging grave Harman Pub Co supplies and publication Kentucky, township, material and labor on bridge Walt Daniels superintendent of work. Sarcoxie township, repairing culvert Frank Schnik, labor on Crooked Creek bridge Rock Creek township, labor on Debond bridge 195 Mel Legler Son, lumber and cement.

64 Leech drawing jury November term 2 Inverarity, drawing jury Nov. term Geo Riley drawing jury November term Chitwood, repairs on bridge Lambert Lumber lumber and cement Philip Becker, labor and material bridge Alexander labor and material bridge Ed Bickery. labor and material bridge Lark Ferrell, labor and material bridge Corkadell, labor and material bridge Wm Noll, lumber for county Johnson, labor on bridge Taylor, labor on bridge Wm Bohme, labor on bridge HF Marker, labor on John Brown, hauling lumber for bridges Johnston, labor bridges Josh Cumming, labor on bridges John Wiley, gopher scalps Frank Robohn, wolf scalps John Winrick, gopher and wolf scalps Morrison, labor for county Taylor, drayage for county A Barnett, cleaning time lock Foy Weishaar, certificates of nomination Brunagen, fees DeMoss James Wells, witness fees DeMoss case Earl Tripp, witness fees DeMoss case. Vernon Tripp, witness fees DeMoss case Arthur Glynn, witness fees DeMoss case A Brooke, witness fees DeMoss case ad-an- 17 16 16 62 3 5 2 46 25 3 85 23 2 2 15 ADVERTISE YOUR LIVE STOCK 20 30 10 40 30 60 30 20 60 30 590 360 10 700 940 1000 980 675 1340 1300 400 2135 310 505 1860 615 170 610 1225 740 1555 20 25 10 5 60 60 60 40 45 40 35 columns. you, i.

The Jefferson County Tribune from Oskaloosa, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.