Crafting Magic Items in DnD 5E | Dice Cove (2024)

Magic Items have been a hallmark of DnD since its inception almost 50 years ago, and this part of the game is still alive and well today in 5E. Whilst magic items are most commonly given out by the DM as a reward, perhaps for defeating a great evil or as plunder from a dragon’s hoard, sometimes players want to take a more active role in getting their hands on some cool and powerful items, making the items themselves.

How to craft a Magic Item

To preface this, creating a healing potion of spell scroll follow their own rules from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, which we will cover later in this article.

The rules for magic item creation are laid out in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG, p. 129) and in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGtE, pp. 128-129). These rules differ and offer two optional rulesets for a DM to choose between.

Crafting Magic Items in DMG

The DMG rules are the more restrictive of the two options, requiring the following*:

  • A formula that describes how to craft the magic item
  • The character crafting must be a spellcaster with spell slots available, in addition, if the item casts a spell the character must know how to cast that spell.
  • The character must meet the minimum level requirement for the rarity of the item, this will be shown in the table below.
  • A gold cost that scales with the item’s rarity must be paid for the materials used.

*Note: The DM can require a special component or location for the crafting that may require an adventure or increase the cost, at their discretion.

Item RarityCreation CostMinimum Level
Common100 GP3rd
Uncommon500 GP3rd
Rare5,000 GP6th
Very Rare50,000 GP11th
Legendary500,000 GP17th

Once the player meets all of those requirements they may start crafting the item, this work takes 8 hours a day and increases the progress 25GP per day. Once the cost of the crafting has been met the item is finished, for example, an uncommon item costs 100GP to create which would require four days of work (100/25=4). A legendary item on the other hand costs a staggering 500,000GP and would take 20,000 workdays to complete, or almost 55 years of downtime.

If the item can cast a spell, then the PC creating it must cast that spell with a spell slot every workday and keep any material components for that spell in hand during the entire process. If the spell consumes the components then the creation process consumes them every day, unless the item will only be able to cast the spell once, in which case the creation process will only consume them once. The cost of consumed material components is in addition to the creation cost of the item.

Luckily you can reduce the time needed to craft by having your friends help! As long as everyone participating meets the same requirements and assists throughout the entire creation they can contribute an additional 25GP of progress per day. This means two characters crafting together would make the uncommon item from before in only two days (100/50=2) instead of four. This means our legendary item would only take 10,000 workdays, or a little only 27 years, making it a much more friendly pursuit for shorter-lived races.

Crafting Magic Items in XGTE

Xanathar’s option for magic item crafting is much more forgiving than the DMG’s in some ways and integrates the process into adventuring. Using these rules a PC requires:

  • A formula describing the creation process.
  • Special ingredient(s) obtained through one or more adventures, a monster must be defeated to gain this ingredient, but you don’t necessarily need a part of its body, instead, you might need something it’s guarding for example.
  • Enough downtime, measured in workweeks (5 days, with 8 hours work per day each)*
  • An amount of gold*
  • Any tools required to make the mundane version of the item (such as Smith’s Tools for a sword) or proficiency in the Arcana skill.

*These requirements are halved for consumable items like scrolls and potions.

The costs of making the item depend on the rarity of the item, this also applies to the suggested CR of the monster you have to defeat to acquire the needed special ingredient for the item. This is shown in the table below, which is created from two tables found on page 129 of XGTE:

Item RarityWorkweeksCostMonster CR Range
Common150 GP1-3
Uncommon2200 GP4-8
Rare102,000 GP9-12
Very Rare2520,000 GP13-18
Legendary50100,000 GP19+

Unlike the DMG option, this set of rules has the opportunity for complications to arise from the crafting process that the PC involved/party may have to deal with. There’s a ten percent chance for every five workweeks spent creating an item that a complication may arise. The book doesn’t actually give you a mechanic to decide this, but you can roll a d10 with a complication happening on the roll of a 1.

Examples of complications are given in the following table (page 129):

1Rumors swirl that what you’re working on is unstable and a threat to the community.*
2Your tools are stolen, forcing you to buy new ones.*
3A local wizard shows keen interest in your work and insists on observing you.
4A powerful noble offers a hefty price for your work and is not interested in hearing no for an answer.*
5A dwarf clan accuses you of stealing its secret lore to fuel your work.*
6A competitor spreads rumors that your work is shoddy and prone to failure.*

Brewing potions of healing

The rules for breaking a potion of healing are different than other magic item creation, whilst a Potion of Giant Strength would be created using the above rules, these potions are more straightforward.

To craft one of these potions, a character only needs proficiency with the herbalism kit and enough time and gold for the chosen level of potion as shown in the below table*:

TypeAmount of HealingTimeCost
Healing2d4+21 day25 GP
Greater Healing4d4+41 workweek100 GP
Superior Healing8d4+83 workweeks1,000 GP
Supreme Healing10d4+204 workweeks10,000 GP

How to scribe a spell scroll

If your character can cast a spell then there’s a good chance you’ve wanted to cast more of them in a day at some point, this is where spell scrolls come in.

Scribing a Spell Scroll requires:

  • The spell in question to be prepared or one of the caster’s known spells.
  • Any material components the spell requires
  • Proficiency in Arcana
  • A sufficient amount of downtime*
  • An amount of gold*

*Shown in the below table from page 133 XGTE

Spell LevelTimeCost
Cantrip1 day15 GP
1st1 day25 GP
2nd3 days250 GP
3rd1 workweek500 GP
4th2 workweeks2,500 GP
5th4 workweeks5,000 GP
6th8 workweeks15,000 GP
7th16 workweeks25,000 GP
8th32 workweeks50,000 GP
9th48 workweeks250,000 GP

As with the other item crafting rules in XGTE scribing a spell scroll can result in complications ten percent of the time, example complications are:

1You bought up the last of the rare ink used to craft scrolls, angering a wizard in town.
2The priest of a temple of good accuses you of trafficking in dark magic.*
3A wizard eager to collect one of your spells in a book presses you to sell the scroll.
4Due to a strange error in creating the scroll, it is instead a random spell of the same level.
5The rare parchment you bought for your scroll has a barely visible map on it.
6A thief attempts to break into your workroom.*

How to roleplay crafting Magic Items

Need some help roleplaying crafting Magic Items? Here are some examples to help you out:

  • As you pour the essence of the fire elemental into the forge, you feel the heat emanating from the flames intensify. The metal you’re working on starts to glow with an orange hue, and as you strike it with your hammer, you hear a sizzling sound as the molten metal begins to take shape. After several hours of hard work, you finally pull out a magnificent sword with a blade made of pure flame. Congratulations, you have successfully crafted a magical weapon imbued with the power of the elemental plane of fire.
  • You sit down at your workbench and take out the dusty old tome you found in the abandoned library. As you start to read through the ancient text, you notice that the words begin to glow with an otherworldly light. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows through the room, and a faint whispering voice fills your mind. You close your eyes and focus on the magical energy coursing through your body. When you open them again, you see that the book has transformed into a beautifully crafted wand adorned with intricate carvings. You have successfully created a powerful arcane focus that will aid you in your future spellcasting.
  • With a steady hand, you mix together the rare herbs and minerals you’ve gathered from your travels. The concoction begins to bubble and froth, emitting a pungent aroma that fills the room. As you carefully pour the liquid into a mold, you notice that the metal begins to take on a faint green glow. You carefully remove the finished item from the mold and hold it up to the light, admiring the intricate designs that seem to shift and change with every passing moment. You have successfully crafted a magical trinket that grants the wearer enhanced resilience and endurance.
  • You spend several days meticulously carving the intricate symbols and sigils into the hilt of your dagger. As you work, you feel a sense of purpose and focus that you’ve never experienced before. The blade begins to hum with a faint magical energy, and you realize that you’ve successfully infused it with the power of the natural world. You test the blade’s sharpness on a nearby tree, and watch as it slices through the thick bark with ease. Congratulations, you have successfully crafted a powerful weapon that is especially effective against creatures with a connection to the earth and nature.

Hopefully, this article has helped you become magic item rich, even if you ended up gold poor in the process. If you found this guide helpful and would like to learn more about 5E then check out our how to play section, or if you’re interested in picking up a new book then take a look at our book reviews. Until next time, remember to use those consumable items before the campaign ends!

Crafting Magic Items in DnD 5E | Dice Cove (2024)


How long does it take to craft magic items in D&D 5e? ›

It takes 1 hour per 5 gold pieces of price in order to craft an item. Characters may spend 8 hours per day during downtime, or 2 hours per adventuring day working on the item.

How long does it take to make a very rare magic item? ›

XGE Crafting times and prices with magic item adept.
Item RarityWorkweeks*Cost*
Common10 hours25 gp
Uncommon20 hours100 gp
Rare10 workweeks2,000 gp
Very rare25 workweeks20,000 gp
1 more row
May 2, 2022

Can you make magic items in D&D? ›

While there are more than enough magic items available in various books and sources for D&D, creating custom magic items for your players and characters can be a fun way to personalize your game experience.

What does a +1 magic item do? ›

If it is just a +1 short sword, for example, it gives you +1 on attack and damage rolls. It also now counts as magical for the purpose of hurting creatures that only take damage from magical weapons. +1 armor or shield give you a bonus to AC.

Can artificers craft magic items faster? ›

Artificers have a Crafting Input level determined by their subclass (if they have one). The higher the value, the faster and more efficiently they can create the item.

How long does it take to perfect your craft? ›

At this point the 10,000 hours theory about gaining mastery has done its rounds online. For anyone who has not heard it yet, the idea (made popular by writer Malcolm Gladwell) was that mastery is not born, but created, practiced, and executed. It takes about 10,000 hours of guided practice to become masterful.

How long does crafting take in D&D? ›

In D&D, crafting time is typically measured in work weeks, with even a dagger taking a week of downtime to finish crafting. According to Xanathar's Guide to Everything, the number of weeks an item requires to craft is based on its market value divided by 50, with a minimum of one work week.

What level should players get very rare magic items? ›

Magic Item Rarity​
RarityCharacter LevelValue
Uncommon1st or higher101-500 gp
Rare5th or higher501-5,000 gp
Very rare11th or higher5,001-50,000 gp
Legendary17th or higher50,001+ gp
1 more row
May 2, 2023

How do artificers craft magic items in 5e? ›

Artificers use tools to channel arcane power, crafting magical objects. To cast a spell, an artificer could use alchemist's supplies to create a potent elixir, calligrapher's supplies to inscribe a sigil of power on an ally's armor, or tinker's tools to craft a temporary charm.

What are the rules for magic items in D&D? ›

A magic item meant to be worn must be donned in the intended fashion: boots go on the feet, gloves on the hands, hats and helmets on the head, and rings on the finger. Magic armor must be donned, a shield strapped to the arm, a cloak fastened about the shoulders. A weapon must be held.

How many magic items can an artificer make? ›

Artificer infusions create semi-permanent magic items, giving you a ton of powerful options. You get total of just 6 infused items by 20th level, but you'll know 12 Infusions, which means you'll have plenty of options to consider on any single day.

What is the easiest magic class in D&D? ›


Warlocks offer the easiest gateway into spellcasting within D&D, as they're relatively uncomplicated compared to classes like Wizards or Clerics. While you'll have a list of spells to choose from, this is smaller than most other 'pure' spellcasters, and you only get two spell slots to worry about.

Can you break a magic item in 5e? ›

Magical items are more resistant than ordinary ones, but they are hardly indestructible, as Table 29 shows. Characters who have possession of a device and are determined to destroy it can do so at will. They need only snap the blade of a magical sword or burn a lock or whatever.

What is the plus 1 sword in D&D? ›

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Are +1 weapons magical in D&D 5e? ›

You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the bonus increases to +2.

What is the duration of creation 5e? ›

If the object is composed of multiple materials, use the shortest duration. Material Duration Vegetable matter 1 day Stone or crystal 12 hours Precious metals 1 hour Gems 10 minutes Adamantine or mithral 1 minute Using any material created by this spell as another spell's material component causes that spell to fail.

How long does it take to unattune to a magic item? ›

Breaking attunement can be as easy as leaving it behind and traveling more than 100 feet away from it for 24 hours, or simply spending a short rest with that item to break the connection between the attuned and the item. If the item is cursed, however, breaking attunement is not so easy.

How long does it take to prepare a spell wizard 5e? ›

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

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