ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (2024)

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (1)


Building Global Connections

BOARD MEMBERS President Andrew Craig Vice President Marjorie McGuirk Secretary Alice Keller Treasurer Inge Robert Past President Russ Martin Membership Bunny Cabaniss Social Chair Jackie Craig Special Projects Gwen Hughes Ken Richards Park Project Marjorie McGuirk Search Russ Martin Newsletter Jerry Plotkin Publicity / Public Relations

Jeremy Carter At Large Member Kelly McEnany Jacquie Nightingale Vladikavkaz, Russia Constance Richards San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico Greg Clemons Saumur, France Jerry Plotkin Allison Weems Karpenisi, Greece Sophia Ungert Valladolid, Mexico Karon Korp Osogbo, Nigeria Brit Castañeda Honorary Chairman Mayor Esther Manheimer

ASCI Newsletter April 2015

Promoting International Partnerships

Message from the President: From where I sit By Andrew Craig It only seemed like a slow start due to February’s terrible weather! Asheville Sister Cities is moving forward quickly with almost every

committee involved with the planning of a new adventure! If you are sitting at home wondering what you can do to help service the mission of an internationally active organization, think no more! Select a Sister City committee of your interest and become a volunteer with that committee. Trust me, you will be welcomed with open arms. Check the website indicated below or consult our Facebook page; either way, we welcome your personal support of ASCI.

And my personal thanks to the board for their support and regular attendance at board meetings, as we guide the organization to a successful 2015.

Follow ASCI activities on the web!

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Mission Statement: Asheville Sister Cities, Inc. promotes peace, understanding, cooperation and sustainable partnerships through formalized agreements between International cities and the City of Asheville, North Carolina. Website:

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (2)


OSOGBO FEATURED IN OUR STATE ARTICLE ON NC SISTER CITIES A recent article in this magazine introduced, in a very nice article, the concept of Sister Cities to its readers. You may have seen the signs posted at Asheville’s city limits – the one very near the entrance to the Asheville’s airport on Airport Road is a good example – indicating ASCI’s member cities. Note the countries and the names of our sister cities. These names are not just listed because of vanity! Then a question pops up – what does Asheville have to do with these cities around the world – Osogbo

(pronounced Oshogbo), Karpenisi, Vladikavkaz, and so on? The sister city program offers an opportunity to get to know people and their communities in a way that leads to better understanding of their everyday life, of their philosophies of life, and of their view of the world. Sister Cities was founded in 1956 by President Dwight D Eisenhower as a way to promote good will and create enduring peace between countries that had been at war just a decade earlier. Let’s take a brief look at what Asheville is doing in partnership with its sister cities. Asheville’s first sister city is Vladikavkaz, in Russia. The state of North Ossetia, of which Vladikavkaz is the capital, boarders Chechnya, where two wars have taken place since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The

Vladikavkaz Committee chairperson, Constance Richards, spent many years in Russia and has helped supply teachers and students in Vladikavkaz with art supplies. We have received delightful examples of the children’s work. Constance’s husband was the late Vladikavkaz-Asheville artist Vadim Bora. Our two Mexican sister cities are chaired by Greg Clemons (San Cristóbal), professor at Mars Hill University and by Karon Korp (Valladolid), a real estate agent in Asheville. Our Mexican committees have arranged trips for university students and other interested individuals to explore Mexico’s Mayan heritage and magnificent ruins and beautiful cities. Two years ago the committees hosted a Mayan dance troupe, Palenque Rojo, which performed to rave reviews. Our French committee, co-chaired by Jerry Plotkin and Allison Weems, has hosted a number of students from Saumur over the past few years. One standout example is François de Clarens, who worked with Asheville Public Works during an outstanding three-month internship. Some of the traces of François’s work can be seen in the sidewalks that he designed here in town. Mathilde Leboutet came to Asheville to study for a semester at UNC-A. Timothée Avenard indicated to Jerry that he had three weeks’ vacation time from studying computer engineering, during which he got to know Asheville and the USA. Our Greek committee, chaired by Sophia Ungert, has re-established close relations with Karpenisi after a considerable hiatus. Asheville, it turns out has a surprisingly large population of Greeks from the Karpenisi area. And everyone loves great Greek food, served at a number of festivals. And our prize-winning Osogbo committee, chaired by Brit Casteñeda with much support from Valeria Watson-Doost, has been busy arranging for over two dozen water wells to be dug in their sister city, and are working on the construction of a new clinic for expectant mothers. This was done thanks to a sister city partnership between Asheville, Raleigh, Osogbo and Raleigh’s sister city, Xiangyang, China, and to a grant by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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News from the San Cristóbal de las Casas Committee An official delegation will be traveling to SCdlC in August, 2015, to work on re-connecting and new projects. A great group of interested committee members and new ASCI members will be charged with re-energizing the group on the ground in SCdlC. Counterpart interactions will be made with educators, midwives and medical personnel, individuals responsible for emergency preparedness, artists, architects and hopefully, a member of the Asheville City Council. As a reciprocal measure, we will be inviting a delegation from SCdlC to come to Asheville in 2016.

Save the date! Ocho de Mayo The SCdlC Committee will be collaborating with the Valladolid Committee to host Ocho de Mayo, an ASCI celebration of Mexico. This fun fiesta will be held on May 8 at 33 Page, 7-9:30pm Music by Michael Luchtan, great Mexican food by both committees, dancing, and folk dancing demonstrations. Tickets are $10, can be paid at the door but – RSVP required, since space is limited. Send to gwengh(at) or to karon(at)

Summer is sizzlin’ in Valladolid! by Karon Korp, Valladolid Committee Fresh on the heels of a very successful delegation from Valladolid host this past October, and the Sister City reaffirmation signing between Mayor Roger Alcocer and Mayor Esther Mannheimer, it’s no wonder things are heating up in Mexico and Asheville! In April, our very own educator and linguistically-talented Gabriela Aragonez will teach an introductory Spanish class for four weeks, free to ASCI members (April 28 – May 19, 6:30-8:00 pm). In May, Kelly McEnany, ASCI board member and Global Coordinator at A-B Tech, will travel to Valladolid to participate in student internships. In June, a delegation of 12, including four teachers from Jones Elementary, will travel to Valladolid with a focus on school relationships. The Valladolid Committee is collecting Elementary school supplies. You can also drop them off to Jeremy Carter, Board member, at the Brite Agency, 29 Montford Avenue, Suite #200, phone (828) 350-9500. In July, we’ll welcome exchange student Juan Carlos Mendoza, who will spend ten months with local families and study at Asheville High School. In August we’ll be hosting a very special cooking class, and watch for a Spanish Movie Night in September. Stay tuned!

News from the Saumur committee By co-chair Jerry Plotkin In early January the Saumur committee sent an invitation to art teachers in a Saumur elementary school to participate in an art exchange between their school and one in Asheville. In early March we received the news that the Saumur school is inviting their sister city schools (Saumur has sister cities in Asheville, in England, in Germany and in Italy) to send photos and drawings of Clément Aplati, a little boy who, because he is flat, can travel around the world in an envelope. (Look up Flat Stanley for more information.)

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (4)


Photos from the Mexican Delegation visit to Community History Day Text by Ken Richards / Photos courtesy Karon Korp

Mayor inviting folks at the Harvest Festival to visit his city and country in Mexico. Behind him is Denny Dillingham, past president and Big Ivy Board member and organizer of the annual Harvest Festival. Executive director emeritus of BiHS and ASCI board member, Ken Richards.

Mexican delegation and local residents posing with re-enactors.

Mexican guests pose between the detached kitchen and pre-civil war Carson Cabin. They have just visited the detached kitchen where they tasted bear stew, venison and corn bread being cooked over an open fire.

Congratulations to Hiram Marina and soon to be wife Lauren Ferrell on the birth if their adorable son Dante , and upcoming wedding in early May. Hiram is the Producer of Palenque Rojo He and Lauren have been to Asheville several times and helped with the Mars Hill delegations to San Cristóbal.

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (5)


Big Ivy: A Mountain Welcoming Resource By Ken Richards This is the first of a series recognizing community organizations that have supported ASCI… Valladolid 2014

Standing beneath the Little Snowball Mountain Fire Tower presidente Roger Alcocer Garcia concluded his salutation to the folks of Big Ivy with an invitation to visit his city of Valladolid in Mexico. On cue the Confederate re-enactors fired their cannon punctuating his comments. Likewise civil war muskets gave him a “something” gun salute as black powder filled the air. Our most recent delegation from Valladolid took part in the annual Harvest Day Festival at Big Ivy Historical Park as

part of their visit this past October.

Hosting the Valladolid delegation to the Big Ivy Historical Societies, “Harvest Festival” at the Big Ivy Historical Park is executive director emeritus, Ken Richards and His wife, a 6th generation descendant of the founder of Dillingham, North Carolina, Irene Dillingham Richards with Teresa Marlene Loria Mac. - department of Culture Valladolid.

Taking a short jaunt from Asheville we discover the

Big Ivy Community with its historic BIG IVY HISTORICAL PARK. Mapping the park was a creation of

National Geographic’s leading anthropologist George Stuart whom upon retirement established his home and Mayan cultural center in the village of Dillingham adjacent to the town of Barnardsville.

In celebration of George’s life his wife Melinda and family

hosted multitudes who gathered in their North Carolina Mayan field. ASCI committee member researching a Scottish Sister City, Doug Orr, was emcee of the event.

ASCI Hometown Partner/Big Ivy Historical Society

Pre-Civil War Henry Stevens Carson Cabin at Big Ivy Historical Park. Located on the site is the detached kitchen and smoke house; spring house and replicated 1880’s one-room school house. Other buildings on the site of Big Ivy Historical Park are the fire tower that once stood on Little Snow Ball Mountain and a shed for making molasses. Just across the field is the original office for the Officer in Charge of the CCC detachment and the restored cook shed. Below: Dillingham Presbyterian Church…photo by Melinda Stewart

Just down the road is the Dillingham Presbyterian Church designed by Asheville’s world-renowned architect Anthony Lord. The ladies of the church have prepared typical mountain meals for our delegations from Russia and France and others from across the United States. This local church has provided enrichment programs for our international guests in their display of hospitality.

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Vladikavkaz and Moscow 1990’s Since 1990 with the first visit of Vladikavkaz to Asheville the BIG IVY HISTORICAL

SOCIETY has provided an enriched experience in mountain life of Western North Carolina. When the Rossijanka Troupe of singers, dancers and musicians from Moscow toured the state of North Carolina, one of their highlights was to be hosted by BIHS and ASCI. They experienced Pioneer life at the Big Ivy Historical Park. During their visit they were sponsored across the state of North Carolina for a month. Their final performance was at the US Capitol which they labeled, “The American Kremlin”. Constance Richards Bora is the chair of the Vladikavkaz Committee.

In this photo Sasha is “Leaping for Joy” at Big Ivy with the background music of the Russian folksong,“Kalinka”. Boulder from Big Ivy Historical Park Big Ivy creek stands sentinel over grave site of ASCI member from Vladikavkaz, Vadim Bora, at Riverside Cemetery in Asheville.

Saumur Mayor’s Office sponsors antique bicycle event Mr Jean-Michel MARCHAND, Mayor of the Town of Saumur, has the pleasure to inform you that the Town of Saumur will organize on the 13rd and 14th June 2015 the event called ANJOU VELO VINTAGE. In the occasion of this 5th edition, our Mayor would like to invite the cycle clubs of the our twinned towns, and would be grateful if you could tell them about this official inviting. Since 2011, the ANJOU VELO VINTAGE is the first french event for the retro fashion bike, with lots of cycle rides and animations. The previous edition had a great success with 3500 participants and 20000 visitors. The ANJOU VELO VINTAGE is now a major event for the people passioned (editor: that’s French for excited) by vintage bicycles. For your information, the registrations open on april the 2nd, on the internet website of the event: Have a look here too:

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (7)


Welcome New Members! Corporate members of ASCI Ashley Bond of New York City 2015: Lenoir-Rhyne University - Asheville Nevada Munro of New York City. 2014: Asheville Chapter of the Links, Inc. Lillian Alexander Captain’s Bookshelf, Inc. Dana Irwin Ira B. Jones Elementary School Getta McGahey Metro Wines Jim & Lynn Karegeannes The Brite Agency

ASCI EVENTS COMMITTEE PLAN FOR ACTIVITIES IN 2015 Osogbo committee – planning for our delegation to Osogbo in August, 2016 --- Contact Brit Castañeda at [thatguy1944(at)] Valladolid and San Cristóbal committees – ongoing project planning (see this issue!) --- for Valladolid contact Karon Corp at [kkorp(at)] --- for San Cristóbal contact Greg Clemons at [gclemons(at)] Vladikavkaz committee – student art supply acquisition and distribution --- Contact Constance Richards at [schtanzi(at) Saumur Committee – planning for Bastille Day, July 12, 2015 --- Contact Allison Weems at [weems.allison(at)] Karpenisi Committee – next meeting May 18, 6pm, 33 Page Ave. --- Committee Chair Sophia Ungert [sfungert(at)]


Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________State Zip Code___________ Home Phone___________________________ Work Phone______________________________ Cell Phone___________________________________ E-mail__________________________________ It is important that we know your interests and some of your skills. Committee involvement is encouraged. What Sister Cities are you interested in?

o Saumur, France o San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico o Karpenisi, Greece o Vladikavkaz, Russia

o Valladolid, Mexico o Osogbo, Nigeria What are your language skills? o French Proficiency _________ o Spanish Proficiency _________ o Greek Proficiency _________ o Russian Proficiency _________ o Other _____________________ Proficiency __________ Annual Membership Dues: January to December, tax-deductible. Address on newsletter cover! New Members and Renewals: Student $10.00, Individual $25.00, Couple/Family $40.00, Corporate $150.00

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ASCI executive board contacts President - Andrew Craig kurmugon(at) Vice President – Marjorie McGuirk marjoriemcguirk(at) Secretary – Alice Keller gakeller(at) Treasurer – Inge Robert irobert68(at) Past President – Russ Martin rmandkk(at)

ASCI CALENDAR OF COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES ASCI Board Meeting 3rd Thursday of each month – 5:30 pm, 33 Page Ave. San Cristóbal Committee 2nd Thursday of each month – 5:30pm, 33 Page Ave. Saumur Committee 4th Monday of each month – 5:30pm, 33 Page Ave. Karpenisi Committee Time and Date TBA Valladolid Committee Last Wednesday of the month - 5:30pm, 33 Page Ave. Osogbo Committee 3rd Tuesday of each month – 6:00 pm, 33 Page Ave. Vladikavkaz Committee Time and Date TBA – Contact Committee Chair. If you have a particular interest in a committee, please email the chairperson to confirm time & place.

ASHEVILLE SISTER CITIES, INC. P. O. Box 2214 Asheville, NC 28802

ASCI Newsletter April 2015 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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