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NASA / TM-2000-209850

A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the

Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport

Robert A. Rivers and E. Bruce Jackson

Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

C. Gordon Fullerton and Timothy H. Cox

Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California

Norman H. Princen

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Long Beach, California

February 2000

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A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 ... › archive › nasa › casi.ntrs.nasa...· A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport - [PDF Document] (3)

NASA / TM-2000-209850

A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the

Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport

Robert A. Rivers and E. Bruce Jackson

Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia

C. Gordon Fullerton and Timothy H. Cox

Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California

Norman H. Princen

Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Long Beach, California

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Langley Research CenterHampton, Virginia 23681-2199

February 2000

A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 ... › archive › nasa › casi.ntrs.nasa...· A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport - [PDF Document] (4)


The U.S. team would like to thank the entire Tupolev and IBP teams for helping us complete these

flight tests both ahead of schedule and with a high degree of quality. We would like to extend a special

thanks to the following Tupolev and IBP personnel for their exceptional contributions:

Prof. Alexander Pukhov

Edgar Krupyanski

Vladimir Sysoev

Sergei BorisovVictor Pedos

Anatoli Kriulin

Mikhail Melnitchenko

Yuri Tsibulin

_po_eccop AnexcaH_p _yXOB

3_rap KpynsHcnM_


Cepre_ BopMcoB

BHKTOp _e_oc

AHaTon_ Kp_ynMH

MHxaMn MensHMqeH_o

10pM_ _m6ynMH

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Table of Contents

Nomenclature ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

Aircraft Description ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Aircraft Geometry ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Aerodynamic Surfaces .................................................................................................................................. 3

Propulsion System ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Fuel System ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Hydraulic System .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Electrical System .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems ................................................................................................... 7

Air Conditioning and Pressurization Systems .............................................................................................. 7

Anti-Ice System ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Navigation and Communications .................................................................................................................. 8

Manual Flight Control System ...................................................................................................................... 9

Autopilot System ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Landing Gear .............................................................................................................................................. 14

co*ckpit Layout ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Crew Arrangement ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Flight Equipment ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Flight Test Planning & Preparation ................................................................................................................... 17Method of Tests ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Planning Process ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Flight Readiness Review and Flight Task Examination ............................................................................. 18

Pilot Briefing ............................................................................................................................................... 18

Flight Monitoring and Control .................................................................................................................... 18

Flight Test Summaries ....................................................................................................................................... 20

Flight 21 - September 15, 1998 ................................................................................................................... 20

Flight 22 - September 18, 1998 ................................................................................................................... 21

Flight 23 - September 24, 1998 ................................................................................................................... 22Observed Vehicle Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 23

Ground Handling ........................................................................................................................................ 23

Thrust Management .................................................................................................................................... 23

Takeoff/Cleanup .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Handling Qualities ...................................................................................................................................... 24

Acceleration/Climb ..................................................................................................................................... 24

Supersonic Cruise ....................................................................................................................................... 25Descent ........................................................................................................................................................ 25

Structural Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 25

Low Speed Characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 26Traffic Pattern ............................................................................................................................................. 26

Landing/Ground Roll .................................................................................................................................. 27Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................... 27

References ......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Appendix A: Description of Maneuvers ............................................................................................................ 30

Appendix B. Extended narratives for each U.S. piloted flight .......................................................................... 32

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Two U.S. research pilots evaluated the Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic

transport aircraft on three dedicated flights: one subsonic and two su-

personic profiles. The flight profiles and maneuvers were developed

jointly by Tupolev and U.S. engineers. The vehicle was found to have

unique operational and flight characteristics that serve as lessons for

designers of future supersonic transport aircraft. Vehicle subsystems and

observed characteristics are described as are flight test planning and

ground monitoring facilities. Maneuver descriptions and extended pilot

narratives for each flight are included as appendices.
























asymmetric elevon (aileron) deflection

symmetric elevon (elevator) deflection

alternating current

air cycle machine

Attitude Director Indicator

above ground level

angle of attack

Auxiliary Power Unit


center of gravity

direct current

Distance Measuring Equipment

exhaust gas temperature

flight engineer

High Speed Research

Interphone Communication System

Integrated Drive Generator

Instrument Landing System

indicated Mach number

Inertial Navigation System

Integrated Test Block

landing gear











mean aerodynamic chord

Mode Control Panel

engine fan speed

engine turbine speed

parameter identification

pilot-induced oscillation

power lever angle (throttle setting)

Laplace operator

Sensitive Pitch Indicator

revolutions per minute


Tactical Air Navigation



g 1

V 2





trailing edge

Ultra High Frequency

decision speed

safety speed

Very High Frequency

liftoff speed

Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range

rotation speed

Vertical Regime Indicator


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Under the auspices of tim NASA High-Speed

Research (HSR) program, an out-of-service Tu-144

supersonic transport aircraft was re-engined, refur-

bished and proven as an experimental supersonic fly-

ing laboratory by Tupolev Aircraft Company (Tupolev

ANTK). Nineteen flights of the modified aircraft

(Tu-144LL) were flown by Tupolev research pilots in

1996-1997 and data for six flight experiments were ac-


A subsequent eight-flight program, flown in 1998,

included tllree flights during which an evaluation of

the handling qualities of tim Tu-144LL was performed

by NASA research pilots. This report describes the con-

duct and results of tllese three flights (known as flights

21, 22 and 23).

Participants in the flight program included IBP

Aircraft, Ltd. (as exclusive contractual representative

of Tupolev), Tupolev ANTK, and tim U.S. Piloted

Evaluation Team: representatives from NASA Dryden

Flight Research Center (DFRC), NASA Langley Re-

search Center (LaRC), and tile Boeing Company. The

flight experiments were performed jointly at Tupolev's

flight research facility near Zhukovsky, Russia.

The objectives of tile follow-on eight flights were:

1. Provide tim United States witl_ first-hand piloting

experience of the Tu- 144LL Supersonic Flying Labo-

ratory. The Tu-144LL was developed to support

flight research beneficial to tile development of a

next generation supersonic transport aircraft. The

Tu-144LL is one of only two supersonic transport

aircraft types tllat are flying in tile world today. Tomaximize the benefit of the Tu- 144LL to U.S. avia-

tion, members of tile piloting community needed to

understand the characteristics and capabilities of tl_e

research airplane. The pilots' understanding of tile

airplane will greatly aid tile planning of future aero-

nautical experiments using tile Tu-144LL, and per-

haps will lead to experiments relating to operational

requirements for future high-speed civil transportaircraft.

2. Collect additional supersonic quantitative handling

qualities data for tl_e Tu-144 aircraft. By comparing

tim quantitative test results to tim qualitative pilot

evaluations, handling qualities criteria boundaries

can be set for design of future supersonic transports.

. Carry out qualitative handling qualities evaluations

of the Tu-144 using multiple pilots. The maneuvers

for tl_e Tu-144 evaluation represented normal op-

erational maneuvers for this type of aircraft. The U.S.

team, witll the help of Tupolev, defined tim maneu-

vers for tiffs testing. Where possible each evaluation

pilot flew and evaluated tl_e same set of maneuvers

at the same flight conditions in order to account for

pilot variation in tl_e evaluation process.

This report represents a summary of tim aircraft

systems, handling qualities, and flight characteristics

of tim Tu-144LL aircraft. Also covered are the experi-

ment and flight preparation processes that were used

in conducting these tl_ree test flights.

The information on Tu-144 systems was obtained

over a two-week period of instruction by Tupolev en-

gineers and pilots in a lecture format. No written docu-

ments were available to tim U.S. team with the excep-

tion of tim untranslated Russian flight manual. The sys-

tem lectures were in Russian and were interpreted by

translators provided to tile U.S. team. Considering tiffs,

the information contained below may have minor dis-

crepancies, but it can be considered accurate to the de-

gree of providing a general description of system op-eration.

Aircraft Description

Tu-144LL Serial Number 77114 (figure 1) is a

modified Tu-144D aircraft with newer engines neces-

sitating nacelle modifications (fully described in tim

following section). Aircraft 77114 was built in 1981

and was tile final aircraft off tile production line. It has

only been used as a research aircraft, accumulating

approximately 83 hours prior to being placed in non-

flyable storage in 1990. In 1993 tile aircraft was brought

out of storage and modifications were commenced lead-

ing to the "LL" or "Flying Laboratory" designation and

a return to flight on November 29, 1996.

Aircraft Geometry

The aircraft is a delta planfonn, low wing, four-

engine supersonic transport, witla a retractable canard


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andhingednose,asshownin figure2. Thenominalco*ckpitcrewconsistsof twopilots,anavigatorseatedbetweenthepilots,andaflightengineer.Generalspeci-ficationsof theaircraftarelistedinTable1.

Aerodynamic Surfaces

In addition to the main wing, a unique retractable

canard is located just aft of the co*ckpit on top of the

fuselage. The canard includes both leading- and trail-

ing-edge flaps that deflect when the canard is deployed;

they are faired when the canard retracts. These devices

are not actuated as part of the control system, but are

deployed into a fixed position when the canard is ex-

tended. The canard provides additional lift forward of

the center of gravity to aid in reducing the takeoff and

landing approach pitch angle and reducing the trailing-

edge-up deflection of the elevons during low-speed



Figure 2. Three-view drawing of Tu-144


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Length 65.7m (215ft 6 in.)

Wingspan 28.8m (94ft. 6 in.)

Height,wheelsup 12.85m (42ft. 2 in.)

Maximumtakeoffweight 203,000kg(447,500lbs.)

Maximumfuel capacity 95,000kg (209,440lbs.)

Estimatedmaximumrange 3000km (1,620nm.)

Maximumceiling 19,000m (62,335ft.)

MaximumMachnumber 2.4(Envelopeexpandedto 2.0todate)

Maximumindicatedairspeed 1000km/hrat 14,500m (540ktsat47,500ft.)



Propulsion System

The Tu-144LL was derived from a Tu-144D

model originally equipped with Kolesov RB-36-51A

engines. Since these engines are not in production and

consequently could no longer be supported, newer

power plants were required for the Tu-144LL modifi-

cation. Kuznetsov NK-321 engines rated at 55,000 lb

sea level static thrust in afterburner and 31,000 lb dry

thrust were selected. These engines are 1.5 meters

longer and over 10 mm wider than the RD-36-51A en-

gines which necessitated extensive modifications to the

engine nacelles and nozzle assemblies. The NK-321

engines were mounted 1.5 m further forward in the na-

celles, and to accommodate the larger nozzles, the in-

board elevons were modified. New higher capacity fuel

pumps (jet pumps) were installed in all of the fuel tanks

with peak pressure capacity of 20 atm.

The axisymmetric, afterbuming, three stage fan,

five stage intermediate, and seven stage high pressure

compressor NK-321 engines are digitally controlled,

and this dictated a redesigned flight engineer's panel

containing eight rows of electronic engine parameter

displays. The fuel control consists of a two channel digi-

tal electronic control and a back-up hydromechanical

control. The pilot is only presented with N1 RPM indi-

cations and throttle command information which is used

to set the desired thrust through power lever angle

(PLA) in degrees (referred to as throttle alpha by

Tupolev). All other engine information including fuel

flows and quantities, oil pressures and temperatures,

and exhaust gas temperatures are displayed on the flight

engineer panel, which is not visible to the pilot. The

pilots' throttles mounted on the center console have a

very high friction level, and in normal situations the

flight engineer sets the thrust as commanded by the

pilot in degrees PLA. Autothrottles are normally used

for approaches and landings. Typical PLA settings are

72 ° for maximum dry power, 115 ° for maximum wet

power (afterburner), 100 ° for Mach 2.0 cruise, and 59 °

for supersonic deceleration and initial descent. For take-

off weights less than 160 metric tons, 72 ° PLA is com-

manded; for weights from 160 to 180 metric tons, 98 °

PLA is commanded; and for takeoff weights greater

than 180 metric tons, 115 ° is used. Operations in the

88 ° to 95 ° PLA range are avoided for undisclosed rea-sons.

A two-channel autothrottle (A/T) system is avail-

able for approach and landing. It is characterized by a

20 sec time constant and an accuracy of_+7 kin/hr. The

A/T control panel is located on the center console with

the two channel selectors, a left/right airspeed command

selector switch and a rocker switch to set the speed bug

on the respective pilot's airspeed indicator. A ttu'ottle

force of 20 kg is needed to override the A/T, or indi-

vidual A/Ts can be deselected by microswitches located

in each throttle knob. If two or more are deselected, the


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entiresystemisdisconnected.Forthesystemtobeen-gaged,theflight engineermustengageA/T clutcheson theflight engineerthrottlequadrant.TheA/T canbeusedfrom160km/hrupto400km/hrindicatedair-speednormallyorup to 500 km/hr under test condi-

tions. Use of A/T was authorized only below 1000 mabove sea level.

The variable geometry inlets are rectangular in

shape with a moderate fore-to-aft rake. An internal hori-

zontal ramp varies from an up position at speeds belowMach 1.25 to full down at Mach 2.0. Three shocks are

produced in the inlet during supersonic flight in order

to slow the inlet flow to subsonic speeds. The inlets

showed no tendency for stalling or other undesired re-

sponses during supersonic flight. Full rudder deflec-

tion steady heading sideslip maneuvers were flown at

Mach 2.0 as well as 30 ° banked turns and moderately

aggressive pitch captures with no abnormal results from

engines or inlets. Afterburner is required to maintain

Mach 2.0 cruise at cruise altitudes. It appeared, but was

not confirmed, that the RD-36-51A engines did not re-

quire afterburner during supersonic cruise even though

the sea level static thrust rating was lower than the

NK-321 engines.

Fuel System

The fuel system is comprised of 8 fuel storage

areas composed of 17 separate tanks containing a total

operating capacity of 95,000 kg. The nomenclature re-

fers to fuel tanks 1 through 8, but only tanks 6, 7, and 8

are single units. Tanks 1, 2, and 8 are balance tanks

{7]U 7r5

{i3 Ci?

[ r 1

Figure 3. Fuel tank arrangement

used to maintain the proper center of gravity (CG) lo-

cation through high capacity fuel transfer pumps. These

transfer pumps are hydraulically driven and controlled

by DC power. Fuel boost pumps located in each tank

are powered by the main AC electrical systems. Tank

system 4 consists of 6 total tanks, four of which pro-

vide fuel directly to the engines. A crossfeed capability

exists to control lateral balancing. Emergency fuel

dumping can be accomplished from all fuel tanks. All

fuel system information is displayed on the flight engi-

neer panel, and all fuel system controls are accessible

only to the flight engineer.

Numerous fuel quantity probes are used to pro-

vide individual tank system quantity indications and to

provide inputs to the CG indicator on the flight engi-

neer panel. A computer within the CG indicator system

continuously calculates and displays the CG location.

The hydraulic fuel transfer pumps, operated manually

by the flight engineer, provide fuel balancing using the

following transfer routings: to move the CG aft, fuel is

pumped from tank 1 to tanks 4, 6, or 8 and fuel is

pumped from tank 2 to tank 8. To move the CG for-

ward, fuel can be pumped from tank 8 to tanks 1, 2, 4,

or 6. The general arrangement of the fuel tanks is shown

in figure 3. A discussion of CG management may be

found later in this report.

Hydraulic System

The Tu-144LL utilizes four separate hydraulic

systems, each pressurized by two pumps driven by sepa-

rate engines, all of which are connected to separate flight

control systems. The flight controls consist of four

elevons per wing and an upper and lower rudder. Each

control surface has two actuators with two hydraulic

channels per actuator so that each hydraulic system

partially powers each control surface. Up to two hy-

draulic systems can totally fail without adversely af-

fecting flight control capability.

The four hydraulic systems are powered by vari-

able displacement engine driven pumps. There are no

electrically powered pumps. Engine numbers 1 and 2

each power both the number 1 and 2 hydraulic systems

and engine numbers 3 and 4 each power both the num-

ber 3 and 4 hydraulic systems. Systems 1 and 2 and

systems 3 and 4 share reservoirs, but dividers in each

reservoir preclude a leak in one system from depleting


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the other. Reservoir head pressure is maintained at

3.2 atm of dry nitrogen. Should nitrogen head pressure

be lost, air conditioning system pressure is utilized to

provide head pressure. Hydraulic fluid temperature is

maintained within limits by a hydraulic fluid/fuel heat

exchanger. The heat exchanger is utilized automatically

if temperatures exceed 60 ° C. System pressure is nomi-

nally between 200 and 220 atm, and a warning indica-

tion is displayed to the pilot should the pressure in a

system fall below 100 atm. In the event of the loss of

two hydraulic systems, an emergency hydraulic sys-

tem is available powered by an Auxiliary Power Unit

(APU) air driven pump (or external pneumatic source),

but the APU can only be operated below 5 km altitude

(and cannot be started above 3 km altitude). For emer-

gency operation of the landing gear (lowering only), a

nitrogen system serviced to 150 atm is available. If one

hydraulic system fails, the aircraft should be slowed to

subsonic speeds. If a second system fails, the aircraft

should be landed as soon as possible.

The wheel brake system is normally powered by

the number 1 hydraulic system, but there is a capabil-

ity to interconnect to the number 2 hydraulic system if

necessary. There is an emergency braking capability

using nitrogen gas pressurized to 100 atm. Indepen-

dent braking levers on both the pilot and co-pilot's for-

ward center console areas allow differential braking

with this system.

A locked wheel protection circuit prevents appli-

cation of the brakes airborne above 180 km/hr airspeed.

On the ground full brake pressure is available 1.5 sec

after full pedal pressure is applied. Above 180 km/hr

on the ground the brake pressure is reduced to 70 atm.

Below 180 km/hr brake pressure is increased to 80 atm.

After the landing gear is retracted, wheel brake pres-

sure at 45 atm is applied to stop wheel rotation. A park-

ing brake, referred to as a starting brake, is available to

hold the aircraft in position during engine runups. It is

electrically controlled by the pilot and is pressurized to210 atm.

A nose gear steering system is available in two

modes of operation. In the high ratio mode, _+60° of

nose gear deflection is available for slow speed taxi-

ing. In the low ratio mode, nose gear deflection is lim-

ited to _+8° . Steering is accomplished from either pilot

position through rudder pedal deflection. The pedal

shaping appears to be parabolic, and this allows pre-

cise control at taxi speeds. The 8 ° mode is used for

takeoff and landing. The two modes are selected by a

switch on the overhead instrument panel.

Electrical System

The Tu-144 is supplied with main AC power at

115 volts and 400 Hz, secondary AC power at 36 volts

and 400 Hz, and DC power at 27 volts. Each engine is

connected to its respective Integrated Drive Generator

(IDG). Each of the four AC generators is rated at

120 kV-A and provides independent AC power to its

respective bus. There is no parallel generator operation

under normal circ*mstances. Each IDG is managed by

a Generator Control Unit to maintain quality of the

power supply. Additionally, there are left and right Elec-

trical Generator Logic Units for power control. Most

systems can be powered from more than one bus, and

one generator can provide all of the electrical power

requirements except for the canard and inlet anti-ice.

Also available are a separate APU generator rated at

60 kV-A at 400 HZ and provisions for external AC

power. The many fuel tank boost pumps are the main

electrical power consumers. The high capacity fuel

transfer pumps are hydraulically driven and controlled

with DC power. Other important electrically driven

systems are the canard and the retractable nose.

36 volt AC power is provided by two main and

one back-up transformer. This power is used for the

aircraft's flight instruments, and the total draw is typi-

cally on the order of 1 kW out of a normal 200 kV-Amain AC load.

The DC system consists of four transformer/rec-tifiers and four batteries. The normal DC load is 12 kW.

The APU is started from battery power, and DC power

is used for communication units, relays, and signalingdevices.

An Essential Bus is supplied by the aircraft's bat-

teries and provides power to an inverter for driving es-

sential flight instruments. In an emergency the APU

may be used to supply 115 volt, 400 Hz AC power.

When operating on Essential Power, the normally elec-

trically driven nose can be lowered with a nitrogen

backup system.


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Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems

Fire detection sensors and extinguishing agents

are available for all engines, the APU, and the two cargo

compartments. The extinguishing agent is contained in

six canisters of eight liter capacity each. These canis-

ters are divided into three stages. The first stage oper-

ates entirely automatically and consists of two of the

canisters. The remaining two stages are manually con-trolled. When an overheat condition is detected, an an-

nunciation is displayed on the flight engineer panel

showing the affected area. The pilot receives only a

"Fire" light on the forward panel without showingwhich area is affected. In the case of an APU fire de-

tection, the extinguishing agent is automatically re-

leased into the APU compartment. In the case of an

engine fire, the pilot can do nothing, since all engine

fire extinguishing and shutdown controls are located

on the flight engineer panel.

Each engine nacelle contains 18 fire detection

sensors, three to a group. If any one of the groups de-tects an overheat condition, an "Overheat" annuncia-

tion is displayed on the flight engineer panel, and a

first stage canister automatically releases extinguish-

ing agent to the appropriate area. If a second group in

the nacelle senses an overheat condition, the "Fire" light

is displayed on the pilot's forward panel. The APU com-

partment has three groups of three sensors each. Any

group sensing an overheat condition will result in au-

tomatic release of extinguishing agent. The sensors use

a temperature rate logic for detection of an overheat

condition. The temperature rate must be 2 ° C per sec

or greater to indicate an overheat condition. Each sen-

sor has four thennocouples to detect the temperature

gradient. With a valid overheat detection, a signal is

sent to the pyrotechnic initiator and valve for the ap-

propriate canister to discharge automatically. For a sec-

ond fire signal the extinguisher must be manually dis-

charged by the flight engineer. The flight engineer can

reset the system to regain the automatic function by

waiting ten seconds and closing the extinguisher valve

to the affected engine. The first stage may be operated

with battery power only.

Air Conditioning and Pressurization Systems

The air conditioning and pressurization system

consists of identical, independent left and right

branches. Any one branch can sustain pressurization

during high altitude operations. Number 1 and 2 en-

gines and number 3 and 4 engines share common ducts

for their respective bleed air. The fight system provides

conditioned air to the co*ckpit and forward cabin areas,

and the left system furnishes conditioned air to the

middle and aft passenger cabin areas. The pressuriza-

tion system provides a 15 kg per person per hour air

exchange rate, and the total air capacity is four metric

tons per hour. Air is not recirculated back into the cabin.

The pressurization controller maximum change rate is

0.18 mm Hg per sec.

Hot engine bleed air is cooled initially to 190 ° C

by engine inlet bleed air in an air-to-air heat exchanger.

The air is then compressed in an air cycle machine

(ACM) to 7.1 atm with an exit temperature of 304 ° C

after which the air is cooled in a secondary heat ex-

changer to 190 ° C or less. If the air temperature is in

excess of 90 ° C and fuel temperature is less than 70 ° C

the air is passed through a fuel-air heat exchanger. Pres-

sure at this point is approximately 3 atm. Passage

through a water separator precedes entry into the ex-

pansion turbine of the ACM. Exit temperature from the

turbine must be less than or equal to 30 ° C or the tur-

bine will shut down. co*ckpit and cabin temperature is

controlled by the flight engineer using a hot air mix

valve to control the temperature in the supply ducts.

Supply duct temperature must remain between +60 °

and +10 ° C. The nominal engine bleed air pressure is

5 atm with 7 atm being the maximum allowed before

the engine bleed must be secured. An idle descent from

high altitude may result in an ACM overheat. In this

case speed must be increased to provide more air for

the inlet air heat exchanger. There are four outflow

valves on the left side of the fuselage and two on the

right. The landing gear and brakes are cooled on the

ground with air from the outflow valves.

The flight engineer controls the air conditioning

and pressurization system. Desired cabin pressure is

set in millimeters of Mercury with 660 mm Hg nomi-

nally being set on the ground. During high altitude

cruise the ambient cabin altitude is nominally 2800 to

3000 m. Wamings are displayed in the co*ckpit for cabin

altitudes in excess of 3250 m, and 4000 m is the maxi-mum limit. Air is bled from the cabin in order to cool

the flight instruments. There is a maximum tempera-

ture limit of 30 ° C in the instrument and cargo areas.


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Anti-Ice System

There is no provision for wing leading edge anti-

icing. Flight testing of the Tu-144 prototype indicated

this was not necessary due to the high speeds normally

flown by the aircraft and the large degree of leading

edge sweep. The canard, however, is electrically heated

for anti-ice protection requiring 20 kV-A of AC power.

No information was available on engine anti-icing, but

the inlets are electrically heated for anti-ice protection.

Navigation and Communications

Communication capability consists of standard

UHF and VHF band radios and an Interphone Com-

munication System (ICS). Each co*ckpit crewmembercan control his communication selection with an ICS

control panel. The aircraft is equipped with two VHF

and one UHF radios, and up to two radios can be se-

lected for monitoring at one time using a microphone

select wafer switch (which automatically selects the

associated receiver) and a receiver select wafer switch.

A variety of aural tones and messages are available in-

cluding master warning messages, radio altitude calls

(inoperative on the Tu-144LL), and marker beacon

tones. The annunciation is in a synthetic female voice.

Navigation capability consists of three Inertial

Navigation Systems (INS), VOR/DME and ILS receiv-ers, and a Russian version of TACAN. (The ILS re-

ceivers are not compatible with Western transmitters.)

The three INS units are controlled by a navigation corn-






_m,. 10--9--












Figure 4. Sensitive Pitch Angle Indicator (SPI) schematicshowing a pitch attitude of +9.5 degrees

puter. The mutually independent INS units provide at-

titude and true heading information to the modified

Sperry attitude director indicators (ADD and horizon-

tal situation indicators provided to each pilot. Number

3 INS provides inputs to the pilot's instruments, num-

ber 2 to the co-pilot's instruments, and number 1 can

be selected by either pilot if necessary. The sensitive

pitch angle indicator (SPI, figure 4) mounted above the

center glareshield on the center windshield post is driven

by the number 3 INS. If the navigation computer fails,

the pilot can select raw INS data. Each INS can only

accept 20 waypoints. When within 100 km of the base

airport, magnetic heading is used, but outside of that

distance, true heading is manually selected. The crew

has the ability to correct the computed position of each

INS separately in 1.6 km increments.

Providing guidance to the pilot for the rather com-

plex climb and acceleration to cruise conditions anddescent and deceleration from cruise conditions is the

Vertical Regime Indicator (VRI, figure 5). This effec-

tive and unique instrument is mounted on each pilot's

instrument panel and consists of a horizontal indicated

airspeed display superimposed over a moving vertical

profile graphical display. The movable display is driven

by altitude inputs to display the various climb and de-

scent profiles versus altitude. The indicated airspeed

pointer index travels back and forth on the airspeed

scale, and by adjusting pitch attitude to keep the air-

Desired velocity/altitude Altitude scale

trajectories (km)\

[_--__1/_ m /_ VerT2ipa' _____7

Airspeed}/' // _k p1

Pointer .__

500 600 700 800 900 1000



' Airspeed Scale(km/hr)

Figure 5. Vertical Regime Indicator (VRI) schematicdisplaying information typical of flight conditions just

after takeoff


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speed index over the appropriate climb/descent curve,

the pilot is able to fly the proper profile. The sensitive

head-up pitch angle indicator is used in conjunction

with the VRI to maintain the appropriate pitch angle.

Manual Flight Control System

A schematic of the Tu-144 flight control system

is shown in figure 6. The system provides a conven-

tional aircraft response with stability augmentation andan aileron-to-rudder interconnect.



column gearing



wheel gearing

2.5 Hz structural filter

pitch rate


roll rate




2.5 Hz structural filter

_'f 10.15s + 1


10.0637s + 1


[_--I_canard or ] aileron-to-rudder

.__.__ extc ,,_ - interconnect

rudder pedaldisplacement

rudder command


yaw rate ,.. F_Eq._ M _<0.9

deg/sec_ "b_3.5S

3.5s + 1

canard orLG ext

sideslip _M > 1.6 f _X_

deg0.3s + 1


+i fcommand+



Figure 6. Tu-144 manual control system


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7 m




8< deg (T.E. down)20







m 7







8a, deg (right)


Figure 7. Elevon mixer deflection limits

As shown in figure 6, pitch and roll rate sensor

feedbacks pass through a 2.5 Hz structural filter to re-

move aeroservoelastic inputs from the rate signals. Side-

slip angle feedback is used to improve directional sta-

bility above Mach 1.6 or whenever the canard or land-

ing gear is extended. A yaw rate sensor signal is fed

back through a lead-lag filter to allow for steady turn

rates while opposing random yaw motion.

The pitch and roll command signals are fed

through mixer logic which limits the combined pitch

and roll commands to allowable elevon travel, as shown

in figure 7. Aileron deflection, 8a, represents a differ-

ential signal subtracted from the symmetric elevator

deflection, Be, signal to obtain the right elevon com-

mand; similarly, 8a is added to 8e to obtain the left

elevon command.

An aileron-to-rudder interconnect exists to pro-

vided additional coordination in banking maneuvers

between Mach 0.9 and 1.6, and whenever the canard or

landing gear is extended, through separate first-order

lag filters.

The pitch inceptor, or column, force-displacement

characteristics were depicted on a chart shown to the

evaluation team by Tupolev employees. It has been re-

produced in figure 8 as accurately as possible, but some

information may have been lost. The deflection of the

column is given in millimeters, and the pull/push force

is in kilograms. The feel characteristics are not sym-

metric, with more travel available in the forward, or

nose down, direction, as shown in the figure. The exact

magnitudes of the aft-most travel forces were not re-

corded exactly but are similar to the quantities shown.

Figure 9 depicts the approximate gearing relation-

ships between column displacement in millimeters and

pitch input to the control system in degrees. Note that

the gearing changes depending on whether the landing

gear or canard is extended. Some data may be missing.

The roll inceptor, or wheel, force-displacement

characteristics (as presented by Tupolev) are shown in


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kg (push)75.



67755 -- 235


J 13


100 150

mm (aft)200 150 100 50 2.5--


200 250

mm (forward)

2.5 50




kg (pull)

Figure 8. Approximate pitch inceptor (column) force-displacement characteristics

elevon, deg (T.E. down)30"

Curves are approximatebased on sketch of original document

mm (aft)200 150





canard or gear 22 --extended

80 14--

10" 10 10





175canard and gearretracted


50 100 150


elevon, deg (T.E. up)

Figure 9. Approximate pitch inceptor (column) command gearing

200 250

mm (forward)


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Curves are approximate

based on sketch of original document

deg (left)1O0 75 50 25


35 --/force, kg (roll right) /I

30 canard and gear /I

retracted _-_&-/ I

_0 canard or gear





25 50I I I

d__ 10 3canard or gear 60


I / canard and gear

I/__ retracted force, kg (roll left)35

Figure 10. Approximate roll inceptor (wheel) force-displacement characteristics

elevon, deg (roll right)



18 o

10" _


f I I I

25 50 75




eleven, deg (roll left)

Curve is approximatebased on sketch of original document

deg (left)IO0


75 50 25I I I


Figure 11. Approximate roll inceptor (wheel) command gearing

75 1O0

deg (right)



deg (right)


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force, kg (yaw right)



mm (left)100 75 50 25 8.5 --

i i i i8.5

canard or gear _--


1 andegear



canard and gear //1-1


retracted _C/ 60


ca _rtd°dgdea r

i i i i25 50 75 100

mm (right)

force, kg (yaw left)

Figure 12. Approximate yaw inceptor (rudder pedal) force-displacement characteristics

Curve is approximate

based on sketch of original document

rudder, deg (T.E. right)

15 15



5Omm (left)1O0 75 50 25

i i i i i25 50 75 100

mm (right)






rudder, deg (T.E. left)

Figure 13. Approximate yaw inceptor (rudder pedal) command gearing


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figure 10. This is a symmetric curve that changes the

force characteristics if the landing gear or canard is

extended. Figure 11 shows the gearing between wheel

displacement in degrees and roll stick command input

in degrees to the control system.

The yaw inceptor, or rudder pedal, force-displace-

ment characteristics (as presented by Tupolev) are

shown in figure 12. This is a symmetric curve that

changes the force characteristics if the landing gear or

canard is extended. Figure 13 shows the gearing be-

tween rudder pedal displacement in millimeters and

rudder pedal command input in degrees to the control


Autopilot System

The autopilot uses the same servoactuators as the

manual flight control system and is considered a sub-

system of the entire flight control system. The rate

dampers in all three axes must be operative for the au-

topilot to be used. It is a simple two axis system that is

operated from mode control panels (MCP) located on

the pilots' control wheels. Autopilot longitudinal and

lateral modes include attitude hold, altitude hold, Mach

hold, bank angle hold, heading hold, localizer track-

ing, and glideslope tracking. Each mode is selected by

pressing a labeled button on the MCR Selection logic

is as follows: For Mach hold to be engaged, attitude

hold must first be selected. Similarly, attitude hold must

first be selected and in operation as indicated by a light

on the overhead panel prior to engaging bank angle

hold. Two autopilot disconnect switches are located on

each MCP, the left one to engage/disconnect the lateral

channel and the right one to engage/disconnect the lon-

gitudinal channel. In addition a red emergency discon-nect switch is located on each control wheel. The auto-

pilot channels can also be manually overridden and will

disconnect with a 30 mm pitch input or a 15° roll input,


Altitude hold can be selected above 400 m alti-

tude, but cannot be used between 0.85 indicated Mach

number (IMN) and 1.2 IMN. The lateral modes of the

autopilot will command roll angles up to 30 °, but 25 °

is the nominal limit. The longitudinal modes operate

between 30 ° nose up to 11° nose down and have a 10 °

elevon trim range capability.

Figure 14. Tu-144 main landing gear

Landing Gear

The Tu-144 has a conventional tricycle arrange-

ment with twin nose gear wheels and a left and right

main landing gear with eight wheels each. The main

landing gear, shown in figure 14, has several uniquefeatures.

Each main gear is a single strut with a dual-twin-

tandem wheel configuration. The main landing gear

includes a ground lock feature that prevents the strut

from pivoting about the bogey when on the ground.

This provides the aircraft with a slightly farther-aft

ground rotation point (with the wheel bogey pivot

locked, the aircraft will pitch around the aft wheels in-

stead of the strut pivot point) as shown in figure 15.

This assists in preventing the aircraft from tilting back

onto the tail during loading.

towards nose

- Iockable pivo

Figure 15. Schematic of bogey rotation lock operation


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t ---I

.... _ L__-,

..... 1.......--- L


Figure 16. Schematic of initial gear retraction motion

Another unique feature of the gear concerns the

lateral placement of the main gear attachment and stow-

age when retracted. The Tu- 144 prototype design placed

the four main engines closely together between the land-

ing gear struts. In the later models, including the -LL

derivative, the engines were moved farther apart. This

placed the main landing gear squarely in the middle of

the engine inlet ducting. To accommodate this change,

the retracted landing gear was designed to fit between

the inlet ducts of two engines. This was achieved by

having the gear bogey rotate ninety degrees about the

strut longitudinal axis (as shown in figure 16) before

retracting into the tall but narrow wheel well.

co*ckpit Layout

The co*ckpit crew of the Tu-144, including the -

LL version, consists of two pilots, a navigator, and a

flight engineer. The pilots sit side-by-side, with the

navigator located on a seat between and behind the pi-

Figure 17. Tu-144LL co*ckpit seating arrangement

lots, as shown in figures 17 and 18. The flight engineerstation is located aft of the other three crewmembers

on the fight side of the co*ckpit, as shown in figure 19.

The pilots have duplicated round-dial type flight in-struments. A set of throttle levers is located between

the two pilots, and another set of throttle levers is lo-

cated at the flight engineer station. Radio and naviga-

tion controls are located on an overhead panel that is

hinged to swing down in front of the navigator.

When the hinged nose is raised to cruise position,

forward visibility is severely limited. To provide atti-

tude reference information, each pilot has a conven-

tional hemispheric attitude indicator located in the cen-

ter of the instrument panel. Because pitch attitude is

quite critical for this aircraft, the SPI is located above

the glareshield directly in the center of the co*ckpit. This

gauge has an expanded vertical scale with a pointer

indicating aircraft pitch attitude and is calibrated in de-


Power lever angles are annunciated on four verti-

cal tape indicators in front of the throttle levers. After-

burner selection is made above 72 ° PLA, without anydetent in the motion of the throttle levers to indicate

afterburner selection.

All engine controls and displays are contained at

the flight engineer's station. The pilots have no direct

knowledge of engine conditions, fuel flow, or power

setting, aside from the power lever angle and N1 RPMindicators.

Crew Arrangement

During the three U.S. piloted evalua-

tion flights, the left pilot seat was occupied

by the Tupolev chief test pilot, Mr. Borisov.

The U.S. evaluation pilot sat in the right pi-

lot seat. The navigator and flight engineer

were Tupolev personnel (Mr. Pedos and Mr.

Kriulin, respectively).

Flight Equipment

Flight crew were issued partial pres-

sure suits and hehnets with oxygen masks.

Parachutes were provided in the aircraft for

emergency bail-out.


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Figure 18. Tu-144LL co*ckpit instrumentation

Figure 19. Tu-144LL Flight engineer's panel


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Flight Test Planning & Preparation

Method of Tests

Through discussion among the U.S. team a con-

sensus was reached on what were the highest priorities

for the evaluation program. It was strongly desired that

both U.S. pilots evaluate the Mach 2 flight regime and

the approach characteristics to an altitude as low as

Tupolev would allow. To assist in the evaluations, spe-

cifically defined maneuvers were established and re-

peated for different flight conditions and aircraft con-

figurations. A brief description of these maneuvers is

listed below with a fuller description in Appendix A.

Integrated Test Block (ITB) - This was a standard

block of maneuvers designed to provide a consistent

evaluation of the airplane for different flight regimes

and configurations. The maneuvers consisted of: pitch

attitude captures, bank captures, heading captures,

steady heading sideslips, and a level deceleration/ac-celeration.

In addition to the ITB, other individual maneu-

vers were performed at specific conditions during the


Parameter Identification (PID) Maneuvers - These

maneuvers involved generating either a sinusoidal fre-

quency sweep or a timed pulse train as an input to theaxis of interest.

Simulated Engine Failure - This maneuver in-

volved retarding an outboard engine to its minimum

throttle setting, stabilizing flight, and then performing

a heading capture.

Slow Flight - This maneuver involved pullingback on the column to achieve a certain deceleration to

capture the minimum speed. This maneuver was done

for level flight and banked flight.

Approaches & Landing - Approaches for differ-

ing configurations were designed such as: canard re-tracted, lateral offset, manual throttle, nose 0 °, visual,

engine out, and ILS. ILS approaches involved only the

localizer, as the airfield glideslope transmitter was in-


Structural Excitation Maneuvers - These maneu-

vers consisted of a sharp rap on each control inceptor

in an attempt to excite and observe the aeroservoelastic

reponse of the aircraft structure.

Due to the lack of simulator support and experi-

ence flying the airplane, it was decided not to collect

handling qualities ratings. Such ratings could be mis-

leading since they might reflect to a large degree the

learning curve with no possibility for repeats to elimi-

nate the effect. Thus, the primary data collected from

these flights is pilot comment data. However, during

the post-flight interviews a determination of flying

qualities levels was made.

Planning Process

Tupolev imposed various requirements which af-

fected the flight test planning. The first flight was to besubsonic and flown with an all Russian crew. The re-

maining three flights, with the first restricted to sub-

sonic, were to be flown by one U.S. pilot per flight.

Switching pilots in the middle of the flight was not al-

lowed, as it necessitated the flight engineer and navi-

gator leaving their stations, momentarily leaving flight

critical systems unattended. This meant one U.S. pilot

would have two flights, one subsonic and one super-

sonic, and the other would have one supersonic flight.

However, Tupolev agreed to allow the second U.S. pi-

lot not flying to observe the second, subsonic flight from

the co*ckpit. Tupolev also preferred to not perform

touch-and-goes, which meant that only one approach

to touchdown could be done per flight.

In addition to these requirements there were sev-

eral operational restrictions as well. Even though the

airplane can take off with a 200 metric tons gross

weight, Tupolev recommended against perforating fly-

ing handling qualities tests at such high weights. A take-

off weight limit of 180 metric tons was therefore ob-

served. In order to provide the correct fuel transfer ca-

pability for the Mach 2.0 flights, fuel had to be con-

sumed until gross weight was below 140 tons prior to

supersonic deceleration and descent. Approaches with

go-around could not be flown until weight was below

135 tons, and the maximum landing weight was

125 tons. A 14 metric ton fuel reserve was planned for

each flight leading to a target landing weight of117 tons.


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; ; ; ; I ; I ; ; ;

Mach Number ;___;.... _ ..... ,,----_o---".......".......".... -2,.J ,. ---i..... i---


---i....... i...... i.... 118- \i---

---==--T--==---I---==--1.6-==--_---i ...... i..... i.4 ---i

___i___'___L__1-2-i- "-_ _i-'_----"\ !t---i.... ....,o ...... --i---

io.7 i : --i---

...... !ii --i---5 == iX ==\== == == ==

____ -/--_-_ ....i__J___i__J___i___I___i___1100

o300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1ooo

Velocity, km/hr

Figure 20. Tu-144 climb and descent profiles

The aircraft center-of-gravity had to be maintained

at all times within a defined envelope as a function of

Mach number and altitude. The CG was required to be

forward during subsonic operations, and aft for super-

sonic operations. When accelerating or decelerating

through transonic conditions, CG had to be maintained

within a narrow location only 0.5% mean aerodynamic

chord in length. CG location was controlled by fueltransfers between forward and aft fuel tanks controlled

by the flight engineer.

The climb and descent profiles utilized by Tupolev

to climb to and descend from supersonic conditions are

shown in figure 20. These profiles were followed in

flights 22 and 23 up to Mach 2.0 conditions.

The planning process with Tupolev personnel for

each flight involved joint development of a flight pro-

file in which the altitude, velocity, fuel loading and CG

position within the above constraints were specified

along with a sequence of maneuvers. The U.S. team

would propose a set of maneuvers and flight condi-

tions for each flight, usually no more than three days

before each flight. The Tupolev flight test engineer,

Vladimir Sysoev, and the Tupolev pilot, Sergei Borisov,

would review the proposal and offer suggestions relat-

ing to safety, efficiency, and feasibility of the profile

and each maneuver. Generally two to three days were

required to reach consensus on how each flight wouldbe flown and how much fuel would be loaded on the

aircraft. From this consensus Mr. Sysoev would gener-

ate a detailed report of the profile and the maneuvers.

The actual profiles flown (see figures 23 to 25 in Flight

Test Summaries section) were close to planned, with

additional approaches added for conservative fuel esti-inates.

Flight Readiness Review and Flight Task


On the afternoon before a flight, the various Tu-

144 specialists would meet in a conference room to be

briefed on the plan of flight. The aircraft crew would

be present as well. Weather and aircraft maintenance

status would be reported, and the chief of the Calcula-

tion and Experimental Branch, Mr. Sysoev, would

present an overview of the planned flight maneuvers.

The specialists then had an opportunity to raise safety

concerns and offer modifications to the flight plan.

Typically none of the specialists would raise concerns

except for the engine specialist, who for flights 22 and

23 placed a restriction on a small range of throttle set-

tings for the #2 engine. Once agreement was reached,

the schedule for the next day would be announced, the

flight plan was signed by all parties, and the meeting

concluded in about thirty minutes.

Pilot Briefing

Following the Flight Readiness Review and Flight

Task Examination meeting, the aircraft commander, Mr.

Borisov, the evaluation pilot, and the U.S. and Russian

engineers would have a meeting to review the maneu-vers in detail. Final decisions on how the maneuvers

would be performed were made and any necessary

modifications based on the flight readiness review were

incorporated with the aircraft commander making the

final decision regarding in-flight issues.

Flight Monitoring and Control

The flights were monitored from a control roomlocated at the Gromov Russian Federation State Scien-

tific Center. Telemetry and radio communications from


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theaircraftwerereceivedandprocessedat thisloca-tion.Fourconsoleswereprovidedtomonitorpropul-sionandfight parameters(figure21).A flightcontrol-lermaintainedcommunicationswith theflight crew,andfor twoof thethreeU.S.flights,aU.S.flight testengineerwasprovidedwithtwo-waycommunicationswiththeU.S.evaluationpilot.Severalparametergraphi-

calreadoutswereprovidedin fivedifferentformatstotheengineers,includingatakeoff/landingdisplay,ageneralcontrolsdisplay,apitchdisplay,alateral/directionaldisplay,andatransonicflightdisplay.Inaddition,anotherdisplayshowed:thepositionof theaircraftrelativetotheairport,ahorizontalprofileofaltitudeversustime,andaltitudeversusairspeedwiththeflightenvelopeoverplotted.Duringlandingap-proaches, these displays were replaced with a plotof the altitude of the aircraft versus time. In addition

to monitoring the progress of the flight on the ground,

instrumented fuel quantities were compared to pre-

dicted values at points along the profile.

Following each flight, hardcopy printouts of vari-

ous parameters were plotted using a multicolor pen plot-

ter on B-size graph paper. This allowed many param-

eters to be plotted on a single piece of paper and as-

sisted in preparing for later flights. As an example (fig-

ure 22), a chart with 27 parameters overplotted in three

colors clearly showed the change in vehicle weight,

throttle settings, and Mach number that allowed rapid

calculation of fuel flow vs. flight conditions.


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Figure 22. Example flight test data plot from Gromov facility


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Flight Test Summaries

Flight 21 - September 15, 1998






I Mach 0.9 I

161 155

.{= _E "=- _E u_

m m I I 5m 5E

175 166







Gross weights (metric tons) shown

[zero fuel weight 103 metric tons]


<: o_



0:00 1:00 2:00

Elapsed Time - hr:min

Figure 23. Flight 21 profile flown on September 15, 1998







The flight profile for flight 21, flown on Sept 15,

1998, is shown in figure 23. The evaluation pilot wasGordon Fullerton. Rob Rivers acted as an observer on

tile flight deck. Shortly after take-off a series of ITBs

were conducted for the take-off and tile clean configu-rations at 2 km altitude. An acceleration to 700 km/hr

was initiated followed by a climb to the subsonic cruise

condition of Mach 0.9, altitude 9 kin. Anotller ITB was

performed followed by evaluations of a simulated en-

gine failure and slow speed flight. After descent to 2

km evaluations of slow speed flight in tile take-off and

landing configurations were conducted, as well as an

ITB and a simulated engine failure in tile landing con-

figuration. Following a descent to pattern altitude tl_ree

approaches to 60 m altitude were conducted witll the

following configurations: a canard retracted configu-

ration using tile ILS localizer, a nominal configuration

witll a 100 m offset correction at 140 m altitude, and a

nominal configuration using visual cues. The flight

ended with a visual approach to touchdown in the nomi-

nal configuration. However, due to unusually high

winds the plane landed fight at its crosswind limit, ne-

cessitating tl_e Russian pilot in command to take con-

trol during the landing. Total flight time was approxi-

mately 2 hours 40 minutes. The maximum speed and

altitude was 0.9 Mach and 9 kin. A description of tile

maneuvers flown is found in Appendix A. A summary

of tile flight written by tile evaluation pilot is found in

Appendix B.


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Flight 22 - September 18, 1998















157 ITB PID 140

-2descent with


bank captures

climb with raps,

bank captures


360 ° spiraldescent



] 32

Gross weights (metric tons) shown

[zero fuel weight 103 metric tons]


z- _%

.__z _ _ >

129 126 123 120


Elapsed Time - hr:min

Figure 24. Flight 22 profile flown on September 18, 1998

The flight profile for flight 22, flown on Sept. 18,

1998, is presented in figure 24. This flight was a super-

sonic flight with Rob Rivers as the evaluation pilot.

After take-off a nominal climb profile was flown to

establish the supersonic cruise condition of approxi-

mately Mach 2 at an altitude of 16.5 kin. A series of

control system raps and bank angle captures were per-

formed during the climb to evaluate lateral/directional

and structural characteristics throughout the climb pro-

file. At cruise an ITB was performed with the roll and

heading capture portions conducted during a 180 ° turn

midway through the cruise portion of the flight. Pa-

rameter identification (PID) inputs were conducted

during the remainder of the cruise portion. Upon reach-

ing a minimum fuel weight a nominal descent was con-ducted to the subsonic cruise condition of 0.9 Mach

and 9 km altitude. Once again control system raps and

bank angle captures were performed during the descent.

At Mach 0.9 an ITB was conducted followed by a de-

scent to pattern altitude. Four approaches were con-

ducted: a canard retracted approach using the ILS lo-

calizer, a nominal approach (with 0 ° droop nose posi-

tion on downwind, base, and the initial final legs) with

an 100 m offset correction at 140 m altitude, and two

visual approaches with the autothrottle off (one with

and one without an offset). The flight concluded with a

visual approach in the nominal configuration to touch-

down. Maximum speed and altitude were Mach 1.97

and 17 kin. Total flight time was approximately 2 hours,

10 minutes. A description of the maneuvers flown is

found in Appendix A. A summary of the flight written

by the evaluation pilot is found in the Appendix B.


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Flight 23 - September 24, 1998



















nominal climb


I Mach 2.0 I


nominal descent

I Mach0.9 IITB


Gross weights (metric tons) shown

[zero fuel weight 103 metric tons]

Clean Man

Photo Throt

129 126

3 eng ILS ILS

123 120 117


Elapsed Time - hr:min

Figure 25. Flight 23 profile flown on September 24, 1998


The flight profile for flight 23, flown on Sept. 24,

1998, is presented in figure 25. This flight was a super-

sonic flight with Gordon Fullerton as the evaluation

pilot. After take-off a nominal climb profile was flown

to establish the supersonic cruise condition of approxi-

mately Mach 2 at an altitude of 16.5 kin. At cruise an

ITB was evaluated, with the roll and heading capture

portions conducted during a 180 ° turn midway through

the cruise portion of the flight. One set of frequency

sweeps was conducted in each axis during the remain-

der of the cruise portion. At the end of the cruise por-

tion a simulated engine failure was used to initiate anominal descent. At 0.9 Mach and 9 km altitude an ITB

was conducted followed by a descent to pattern alti-

tude. A low altitude pass was conducted for photo pur-

poses with the airplane in a clean configuration fol-

lowed by three approaches to 60 m: a visual approach

with the auto-throttle off, a simulated engine out ap-

proach and go-around using the ILS localizer, and a

nominal approach using the ILS localizer. The flight

concluded with an approach to touchdown in the nomi-

nal configuration using the ILS localizer. Maximum

speed and altitude were Mach 1.98 and 16.6 kan. Total

flight time was approximately 2 hours. A description

of the maneuvers flown is found in Appendix A. A sum-

mary of the flight written by the evaluation pilot is found

in Appendix B.


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Observed Vehicle Characteristics

Ground Handling

Nose wheel steering was active at all times on the

ground and was controlled from either pilot position

by rudder pedal deflection. Two ratios were selectable;8 ° and 60 ° of total nose wheel deflection. In the 60 °

ratio precise control at taxi speeds was easy. A well

designed pedal shaping allowed straight ahead control

without jerking, but pemfitted a very tight 180 ° turn to

be accomplished smoothly. The 8° ratio, used for take-

off and landing, was found to be adequate for lineup

control throughout takeoff and landing roll, including

while landing in a 30-40 kt crosswind.

Visibility with the nose drooped at 11° (takeoff

setting) was adequate for comfortable taxi maneuver-

ing, although it was impossible to see any part of the

wing. Accelerations at the co*ckpit were very mild, con-

sidering its location was considerably ahead of the nose

and main gear. The amount of co*ckpit overshoot re-

quired when naming to line up on the runway centefline

was easily judged. The general feeling during taxi was

much like in the Boeing 747.

The hydraulically powered carbon brakes were

surprisingly ineffective when cold. The normal pre-

takeoff procedure required a brake wammp taxi run.

Power was advanced to produce a very slow accelera-

tion and the brakes were applied full on. At first there

was no deceleration at all, but as the brakes warmed

they became effective. This procedure was done to be

ready for a low speed takeoff abort. For landing,

warmup was not required because the first brake appli-

cation at high speeds after touchdown quickly heated

the surfaces to an effective temperature.

Thrust Management

Retrofit of the NK-321 engines for the Tu- 144LL

configuration required replacement of the original co*ck-

pit engine instrumentation. As in the original design,

the flight engineer (FE) station had a complete set of

controls and displays for engine and inlet operation from

starnap to shutdown after flight. The pilots had only

minimal engine information. PLA and N1 were the only

engine displays, and they were hard to see from the

fight pilot seat. Four power levers, one for each en-

gine, were the only engine controls at the pilot station.

These power levers move through a range of 0 (idle

thrus0 to 115 ° PLA (maximum afterburner). There were

no markings on the PLA instrument nor any force de-

tent in the throttle quadrant to provide any indication

to the pilot of afterburner ignition. Confirmation of af-

terburner operation was a verbal communication fromthe FE.

The rerouting of throttle control cables for the

NK-321 engines resulted in extremely high power le-

ver friction forces. Often the pilot not flying or the flight

engineer manipulated the throttles to ease the workload

of the pilot. One technique used was to adjust thrust

first on two engines and then on the remaining two,

because of the difficulty of moving all four at once.

The engines themselves had many operational

limits and restrictions, some of which were specific to

an individual engine. More time was spent in each pre-

flight readiness meeting reviewing the engine opera-

tion than all other subsystems combined. A 30-minute

engine ground run at relatively high power settings was

required to stabilize engine operating temperatures prior

to flight. If a takeoff was not performed within 1.5 hours

of the ground run, the engine ground run had to be re-



Once lined up on the runway the starting brake

was switched on, which applied full hydraulic system

pressure to the brakes. This was sufficient to hold theaircraft while takeoff tt_ust was set and stabilized. Take-

off thrust setting depended on the gross weight; 115 °

PLA (full afterburner) for weights in excess of 180 tons,

98 ° PLA 0nidrange afterburner) for weights from 160

to 180 tons, and 72 ° PLA 0naximum dry power) for

weights less than 160 tons.

Takeoff roll was commenced by releasing the

starting brake and the aircraft accelerated rapidly. For

a 180 ton takeoff weight, V 1 was 255 km/hr, Vr was335 km/hr, Vlof was 355 km/hr, and V2 was 375 kin/hr. Time from brake release to liftoff was about 30 sec.

Directional control presented no problems. Moderate

back stick pressure produced a slow rotation to a targetattitude of 8 °. Care had to be taken to not exceed 9° to

preclude contacting the runway with the exhaust


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nozzles.After liftoff tile pitchattitudehadto be in-creasedto approximately16° to controlairspeedbe-foreraisinggearandflaps.Afterapositiverateofclimbwasestablished,tilelandinggearwasraised.

A veryhighambientnoiselevelandamoderatebuffetwasexperiencedin tile co*ckpitwith thenosedroopedandtilecanarddeployed.Thecanardcouldbeseenthroughtile sidewindowin aconstant,obviousvibration.After climbingthrough120m altitude,thecanardwasretractedandthenosewasraisedtotile0°cruiseposition,resultinginadramaticreductionin thenoiseandbuffetlevel.

Visibilitywiththenoseretractedwassignificantlyrestricted.Theforwardviewwascompletelyblocked,andtheviewtltroughthesomewhatdistortedandcrazedsidewindowswassopoorthatone'ssensitivitytosmallpitchandevenbankanglechangeswasgreatlyreduced.Controloftl_eaircraftbecameessentiallyaninstrumenttask.Quicklyit becameobvioustllat tileSPIwasthebestsourceforpitchattitudeinformation.

Handling Qualities

The Tu-144 was equipped witll quad-redundant

dampers in all tllree axes, all of which were mandated

to be engaged at all times during flight, so the

unaugmented characteristics of tl_e aircraft were notexamined.

Pitch control forces were moderate and not un-

usually heavy for a large aircraft. Small movements of

tl_e control column resulted in significant pitch motion.

Initially tllere was a tendency to overcontrol during pitch

maneuvers, especially at high subsonic and supersonic

speeds. However, pilot compensation for tiffs charac-

teristic was easy. In contrast, lateral control forces were

very high and wheel deflections required for even low

roll rates were large. One could fly pitch witll one hand

but one tended to use two hands when a bank change

was needed. Control harmony was moderately objec-

tionable. Due to tiffs deficiency, it was easy to make

inadvertent pitch inputs on purely lateral tasks.

Roll response was very well damped and tllere

was no adverse or proverse yaw even witll large lateral

inputs and no rudder inputs. Bank angle captures were

easy to accomplish precisely. Aileron feel forces were

extremely heavy; tile aircraft would be much more

pleasant to fly if the aileron feel forces were reduced

by a factor of two.

One characteristic became consistently apparent

during pitch attitude capture tasks. After reaching a

desired attitude and releasing stick pressure to stop tl_e

rate, there was a rebound or drop back in pitch attitude

of about one degree. It was necessary to overshoot a

pitch target by tiffs amount whetl_er going nose up or

down, and whetller at slow speed or supersonic.

Speed changes resulted in tile expected pitch trim

changes of an aircraft witll positive speed stability, and

were easily trimmed. The trim rate provided by tile

wheel mounted electric trim switch was about right.

Trim changes due to fuel transfer could be large so it

was necessary to continuously trim tl_e aircraft. Canard

repositioning produced a very large trim change (de-

ploy, nose up; retract, nose down) requiring a constant

trim input during tl_e 20 sec extend or retract cycle.

Response to rudder inputs was conventional, well

damped and exhibited a positive dihedral effect. One

could input full rudder, release it completely, and tile

aircraft would return to straight flight witll no over-

shoots. As in tile lateral axis, rudder pedal forces were

very high. Full pedal deflection required an estimated250 to 300 lb force.

All of tile above characteristics were invariant

witll speed and configuration, from Mach 2 cruise to

minimum speed in the landing pattern, witll some small

degradation near Mach 1.


Once in a clean configuration, tile normal proce-

dure called for setting the throttles to maximum dry

power, 72 ° PLA, and accelerating in a climb to 600 kin/hr. At 2 km altitude a furtller acceleration to 700 km/hr

was accomplished in order to intercept tl_e climb pro-

file depicted on tile Vertical Regime Indicator (VRI).

This mechanical instrument portrayed altitude versus

airspeed on a moving tape (driven by actual altitude)

and tl_e desired altitude/speed profile to maintain for

optimum climb, normal descent, and emergency de-

scent perfommnce. It was found to be an intuitive pre-

sentation. At Mach 0.95, when tile CG had been ad-

justed to 47.5%, tl_e tl_rottles were advanced to full af-

terburner power (115 ° PLA), and tiffs tllrottle setting


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wasmaintaineduntil leveloff.

Becauseof tl_erestrictedoutsideview,smallbutsignificantpitchattitudechangeswerenotobvioustotilepilotexceptasobservedontheSPI.TheADI wasnotsensitiveenoughfortightcontrolofpitchattitude.Maintainingtiledesiredclimbprofilewasafull time,highworkloadtaskduetotileinherentflightpatllsen-sitivity to smallpitchattitudechanges,pooroutsidevisibility,andtileneedfor frequentpitchtrimchangesduetocenterof lift shiftingandCGadjustmentsastileMachincreased.Also,thelocationoftileinstantaneouscenterofrotationneartl_eco*ckpitdeprivedtl_epilotofmotioncuesduetopitchrate.FrequentreferencetotheSPIwasfoundto beessentialfor smoothcontrolofclimbanddescentprofiles.

Thepitchcontroltaskremaineddifficultuntillev-elingoff at Mach2.0 at aninitial cruisealtitudeof16.5kin. Fromtakeoffto leveloff at Mach2.0and16.5kmtook19minutes.

In orderto examinehandlingqualitiesthrough-outtheenvelopetl_eautopilotwasnotusedduringtheclimb,cruiseanddescentphasesof anyflight. It wasnotauthorizedforusetransonically,betweenMach.85andMach1.2.Theautopilotis describedin tileAir-craftDescriptionsectionof thisreport.


Supersonic Cruise

After stabilizing at cruise Mach, tile trim changes

due to speed changes and fuel shifts ceased, reducing

tile pilot workload considerably. At Mach 2.0 it was

noticed tlmt a step increase in pitch force gradient oc-

curred after tile aft column breakout. No nuisance pitch/

roll aerodynamic coupling existed, and tile aircraft was

very stable directionally. The engine inlets appeared

insensitive to sideslips (up to 4.5 ° of rudder input) or

to pitching motions.

About half of tile starting fuel load (80 tons) wasconsumed for takeoff, climb, and acceleration to

Mach 2. The aircraft burned approximately 1 ton of fuel

per minute and required midrange afterburner to main-tain Mach 2.0.

To simulate an engine failure, an outboard engine

was reduced to tl_e minimum allowable thrust setting

while at Mach 2. A mild yaw resulted which was easily

controlled witll rudder trim. There were no apparent

effects on any otl_er engine. The remaining three en-

gines were advanced to full afterbuming tllmst but tile

thrust was insufficient to maintain speed and a slowdeceleration resulted.


Descent from Mach 2.0 cruise was initiated by

retarding tile tllrottles from tile afterburner range to 59 °

PLA and decelerating to 800 km/hr while descending.

The VRI descent profile was intercepted during tile

descent. The next power reduction to 52 ° PLA occurred

at 14 km altitude witll a tlfird power reduction to 35 °PLA at 11 kin. At Mach 0.8 the tllrottles could be re-

duced to idle. From Mach 2.0 and 17 km to Mach 0.9

and 9 km altitude took 7 minutes. The CG had to be

moved aft from 46% to 47.5% MAC prior to passing

transonic speeds followed by a rapid forward shift to

41% MAC for subsonic speeds. The shifting location

of tile CG might have contributed to some of the higher

workload in controlling tl_e pitch attitude in tl_e tran-

sonic region. The pitch sensitivity increased in tile Mach

1.2 to Mach 0.95 region especially near Mach 1.0 witll

a quite definite transonic pitch up just below Mach 1.0.

At subsonic speeds tile overall descent task becameeasier.

The SPI was provided primarily for pitch attitude

information in tl_e descent. It was a very useful instru-

ment, but its sensitivity, accompanied by a perceived

delay between attitude change and flight patll angle

change, produced a relatively high workload task. This

was exacerbated by a lack of pitch reference cues witll

the nose retracted and a slight difficulty in getting ad-

equately sensitive pitch reference information from tl_e

ADI. Very small pitch inputs (less tlmn 0.25 cm) re-

sulted in up to two or more degrees of pitch attitude

change. Therefore, tile pilot's control gain had to be

decreased during tile flight in order to not over-control

the pitch axis.

Structural Characteristics

Passing 4 km altitude in tile climb, tile first of a

number of control raps for the purpose of exciting


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aeroelasticmodeswereaccomplished.Thesemaneu-verswererepeatedat 6 km altitudeandacceleratingthroughMach0.7,0.9,1.1,1.4,1.8,andatleveloff at16.5kmatMach2.0.Thecontrolrapsconsistedofrapidstepinputsof smallmagnitudein eachcontrolaxis.Responsesinallthreeaxesbehavedsimilarlyatallsub-sonicspeeds.Arapid1-2cmforwardoraftpulseof thecontrolcolumncausedaco*ckpitverticaloscillationof1to 2 Hzwith2 to 3overshootsof about1° in pitchattitude.A rapid20degreewheelinputresultedin alowerfrequencybuthighermagnitudelateralresponseof 1° to2° and4-6overshoots.Rudderrapsresultedinahnostpurelydirectionalaeroelasticresponseof 4-6overshootsataboutthesamefrequencyastheroll re-sponse.

Theaeroelasticresponseof theaircraftdifferedasthespeedincreasedandalsodependedonwhichaxiswasexcited.Eachaxisof excitationresultedin adif-ferentaeroelasticresponse.In particular,theyawandroll aeroelasticreponsesappearedtobedecoupled.Ingeneral,theaircraftseemedmoreheavilydampedsu-personicthansubsonic.At Mach2.0inall axesthere-sponsewasofhigherfrequencyandsmallermagnitudethanatsubsonicspeeds.

Low Speed Characteristics

The total airframe drag increased dramatically as

speed was decreased. Slowing to the angle of attack

(AOA) limit of 16 ° at 9 km altitude, maximum dry

thrust was insufficient to accelerate in level flight. Climb

rate at maximum dry thrust was substantially lower (by

a factor of four) at 430 km/hr compared to climb rate at

700 kin/hr. Control response remained excellent at mini-

mum speeds with motions in all axes well damped.

Traffic Pattern

Once the nose was lowered to the 17° droop posi-

tion for landing, visibility was adequate for approach

maneuvering. Canard extension had to be countered

with several seconds of nose-down trim. Nose-down,

canard-extended flight produced the same noisy buf-

feting co*ckpit environment encountered after takeoff.

Landing gear extension produced no noticeable noise,

vibration, or trim change.

The Tupolev preferred approach technique was

to set up on a long (10 to 12 kan) stabilized straight-in

final on a shallow (2 °) glideslope with established check

points of range and altitude. The aircraft was stabilized

in level flight at the final approach speed (on the order

of 360 km/hr depending on fuel weight) which resulted

in an AOA of 10°. At the proper range from the runway

the nose was lowered to 8°, setting up a sink rate that

was held constant all the way to the runway threshold.

Flight at AOA of 10° was definitely on the back

side of the thrust required curve as indicated by fre-

quent power adjustments. To reduce workload the

autothrottles were normally used throughout the ap-

proach until just prior to touchdown. The autothrottle

was a relatively low frequency system (20 sec time

constant) but was effective at holding the desired speed.

Manual throttle approaches were flown and were found

not to be excessively difficult, except for the physical

workload from having to overcome the extremely high

friction forces. Flight path angle was controlled with

pitch inputs and speed with the throttles. Despite being

a back-sided aircraft, the engine throttle response time

constants were reasonable, and airspeed deviations on

approach were kept within 2 to 3 kin/hr.

There was a noticeable pitching moment change

with thrust change. If large power corrections were

made, large pitch trim changes followed. Similarly, if

large pitch inputs were made, fairly rapid speed changes

resulted which required throttle adjustment. It was pos-

sible to get into a throttle/pitch input coupling situa-tion. Once one learned to direct constant attention to

maintaining the proper pitch attitude using the SPI,control of the aircraft became easier.

Go-arounds were initiated by setting 72 ° PLA

which provided a brisk acceleration. With a positive

climb rate the landing gear was raised. Passing 120 m

altitude, the canard was retracted if desired, while ap-

plying the required nose-up trim inputs. Power was

normally reduced passing 300 m to reduce the climb

angle. With the landing gear extended, the bank angle

limit was 15° and an aural voice warning triggered when

that limit was exceeded. With the gear retracted, it was

comfortable to bank up to 30° .

The first evaluation flight was flown under strong

gusty wind conditions with moderate turbulence at pat-

tern altitude. Due to the high lateral forces and less than

desirable control harmony, the constant control inputs


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requiredtomaintainattitudebecamephysicallytiring.Whentileautopilotwasengaged,it performedaccept-ablyin timrelativelyturbulentconditions.

Anengine-outconditionwassimulatedbyretard-ing anoutboardengineto idle. At normallandingweightstherewasadequatethrustwitl_theremainingenginesatdry thrustor lessto fly astandardpattern,approach,andgo-around.It wasfoundduringathree-enginepatternflownon thefirstmissionat aheavierweighttlmtmaximumdrytl_rustwasbarelyadequatefor amissedapproach.In botl_casestl_erewasplentyofruddercontrolpowertomaintaindirectionalcontrolatall times.Rudderforcescouldbetrimmedoutwitlltimelectricruddertrimswitch.

Severalapproachesweremadewith tile canardretractedwhichincreasedtimrequiredfinal approachspeedbyabout30kin/hr.Therewasaslightreductionin tilebuffetlevelsensedattileco*ckpitbutnochangeinhandlingqualitieswasnoticed.

A noseretractedapproachwasflowninordertoevaluatetheabilityto landin tiffsveryrestrictedvis-ibility condition.Forwardvisibility wasahnostnon-existentduetotimmetalskinontopof thenoseblock-ingtilepilot'sforwardfield of view.A nose-retractedlandingmaybepossibletoaccomplishthroughtimuseof thesidewindowandananglingapproach,but tiffswasnotevaluatedtotouchdown.

Oneclean(gear,nose,andcanardretracted)con-figurationlow approachpasswasflown for photo-graphicdocumentation.Afterliningupwith tl_erun-wayabout10km out,tl_enosewasraised.It wasim-possibleto seeanypartof tl_eaerodromeor its sur-roundingstructures,andtl_eonlylineupinformationavailablewastheILScoursedeviationindicator.

Severallateraloffsetapproacheswereflowntoexaminehandlingqualitiesin tiffshighworkloadtask.Theoffsetwas 100m to the right of therunwaycentefline.A lineupcorrectionwasstarteddescendingtllrough140m altitude,andamissedapproachwasinitiatedat 60m. Sincetimapproachescouldnotbeflowntotouchdown,theworkloadfortiffstaskwasnotashighashadbeendesired.Theaircraftrespondednicelyduringmoderatelyaggressivelateralmaneuver-ing.It waseasytojudgetimcorrection,androll outwasaccomplishedwithnotendencyfor pilot-induced


Landing/Ground Roll

Descending tltrough 15 m, ground effect caused

a strong nose down pitching moment which required a

firm pull on tl_e control column to maintain attitude.

Normal technique was to maintain or slightly increase

the pitch attitude, and allow tl_e aircraft to fly onto tl_e

runway. The ground effect cushion provided a soft land-

ing in each case. Care had to be taken to not overflare

or to hold tl_e aircraft off, allowing tl_e pitch attitude to

exceed 10° and risk contacting tile engine exhaust

nozzles witll tile runway.

Derotation was easily controlled. The long nose

gear and nominal 3.5 ° pitch attitude in tl_e tl_ree-point

stance resulted in tl_e appearance of a significant nose-

up attitude at nose gear touchdown. The drag parachutes

were deployed after nose gear touchdown, and wheel

brakes were applied below 220 kin/hr. Only light brak-

ing was required to stop tim aircraft.

On tim first evaluation flight, strong gusty cross-

winds were encountered at landing. The aircraft was

landed witll tile recommended crosswind technique,

wings level in a crab. It tended to align itself witll tim

runway after touchdown witl_out much rudder input,

and tlmre was ahnost no rolloff tendency. The rudder

pedal nose wheel steering in tile 8° ratio was exactly

right for maintaining runway centerline during drag

chute deployment and deceleration.


The opportunity to fly tim Russian supersonic

transport allowed U.S. pilots to observe tim flight char-

acteristics of one of only two such examples of super-

sonic passenger-carrying aircraft. From this opportu-

nity, several observations are made, and some conclu-

sions can be drawn witl_ application to future super-

sonic aircraft of tiffs type.

The Tu-144 exhibited heavy lateral control forces

throughout tim flight envelope. The pitch axis con-

trol forces were more appropriate, but still a bit

heavy, for tiffs class of aircraft.

• The lateral axis had a low roll response sensitivity

at all speeds which required large control wheel de-


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flectionsto achieveevenmildroll rates.Thepitchaxisdemonstratedacorrespondinglyhighersensi-tivity throughouttheflightenvelope.Theresultinglackof harmonyin thewheelandcolumncontrolsensitivityledto instancesof couplingroll inputsintopitchinputs.

Duetopowerchanges,fueltransfers,andotheruni- •dentifiedlateral trim changesduringclimb andcruise,continualadjustmentsof bothpitchandrollcontrollerscontributedtohighworkloadfor thepi-lot. Poorvisibility with thenoseraisedandprob- •lemswithpitchresponsedynamicsaddedtothedif-ficultyof pitchcontrol.

Duetothedeltaplanformof thewing,theinstanta-neouscenterof rotationof theTu-144inpitchap-pearedtobeneartheco*ckpit.Thisresultedin little •normalaccelerationchangewithpitchchangesand,consequently,nomotioncuesforthepilot.Thischar-acteristicis notfoundinconventionalaircraftwithafttails.

Excessivethrottlefriction wasnoted,leadingtohigherworkloadsduringmanualthrottlelandings.Normally,Tu-144landingswereperformedwiththeautothrottleengaged.Backside-of-the-power-curvecharacteristicswerenotedbutwere not objec-tionable.

Eachof thecharacteristicsjustdescribedledtoanoverallhandlingqualitiesratingof Level1for theroll axisandLevel2 for thepitchaxis(asdefinedbytheCooper-HarperPilotRatingscalein reference1).TheLevel2ratingis attributedto poorpitchattitudeinformationandfrequenttrim changesduringclimb/descent.

Lessonsto belearnedfor futuresupersonicair-craftof thistypeinclude:


2. Pitchcontrolsensitivityshouldbeafunctionofflightregimetoincreasecontrolharmony.

3. An autothrottlesystemmaynotbemandatoryformanuallandings.

4. Apitchaugmentationsystemthatprovidesautomatictrimming,suchasaflight-path-angleresponse-typesystem,mightreducepilot workloadon futuresu-personicaircraft.


Theeffectsofaeroelasticitywereapparent,butwereconsideredminoranddidnotaffecttheflyingquali-tiesof theTu-144.

Makingthepatternturnto finalwaspossiblewiththenoseretracted,but landingwasnotattempted.Thefield-of-viewwith thenosein theretractedpo-sitionis extremelylimited,buta nose-uplandingappearstobefeasible.

Thegenerallateral/directionalandlongitudinalchar-acteristicsremainedfairly constantthroughouttheflightenvelope.


Operationalconcemsincludetheneedtowarmupthewheelbrakesduringtaxifortakeoff,therequire-menttowarmuptheenginespriortoflight(thismaybeuniqueto theTu-144LL)andtheutilizationofdragchutesonlandingrolloutfordeceleration.Eachof theseconcernswouldneedtobemitigatedfor acommercialaircraft.

Marginalclimbrateswerenotedwhenusingthreeenginesatmaximumdrypowerwhile thevehiclewasheavy;otherwise,controlof thevehicleduringasymmetricthrustconditionswasnotdifficult.

Basedononlylimitedevaluationtime,acanard-re-tractedapproachshowedanobvioustrim andair-speeddifferencefromanapproachwith thecanardextended,butotherdifferencesinhandlingqualitieswerenotnoticeable.

Inadequateengineinstrumentationwasprovidedatthepilot stations.Changesin powersettingswerenotapparentto thepilotsexceptin pitchcouplingdueto alackof visualor auralcues.Particularlymissedwasanyindicationof afterburnerignition.


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• Groundeffectsduringlandingassistedin cushion-ingthevehicleduringthelandingflare.


1. Cooper, G. E.; and Harper, R. R, Jr: The Use

of Pilot Rating in the Evaluation of Aircraft Handling

Qualities. NASA TN D-5153, April 1969.


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Appendix A: Description of Maneuvers

This appendix describes a typical definition of the maneuvers fown in the evaluation program. Modifica-

tions to target values were required for some of the maneuvers based on flight condition. This section is intended

to provide a general idea of how the maneuvers were defined.


a. Reduce throttle from trim position by approximately 20 °.

b. Decelerate and capture an airspeed 70 km/hr less than trim.

c. Advance throttle to full dry power setting.

d. Accelerate and re-capture original airspeed.

Pitch Attitude Capture

a. From trim attitude pull column back to capture a +3 ° pitch attitude increment.

b. Push column forward to capture original trim attitude.

c. From trim attitude push column forward to capture a -2 ° pitch attitude increment.

d. Pull column back to capture original trim attitude.

e. Throughout a.-d. keep normal acceleration between 0.8 and 1.2 g.

Bank Angle Capture

a. From steady level flight apply right wheel to capture a +30 ° bank angle.

b. Apply left wheel to capture level flight.

c. From steady level flight apply left wheel to capture a -30 ° bank angle.

d. Apply right wheel to capture level flight.

Heading Captures

a. From steady level flight apply right wheel to capture a +30 ° bank angle.

b. Maintain bank angle and capture +20 ° heading increment.

c. Apply left wheel to capture a -30 ° bank angle.

d. Maintain bank angle and capture original heading.

e. Repeat in opposite direction.

Steady Heading Sideslips

a. From steady level flight apply a series of rudder deflections of +2, +4, +6, and +7.5 °.

b. Apply appropriate wheel deflection to maintain constant heading, stabilizing for 5 sec on each rudderdeflection.

c. Repeat in opposite direction.

Simulated Engine Failure

a. From steady level flight retard throttle #1 to idle.

b. Wait 5 sec and then stabilize transient, maintaining a bank angle less than _+5°.

c. Advance three remaining throttles to capture original airspeed.

d. Perform heading capture maneuver.

e. Recover by slowly advancing #1 throttle and re-establish original flight condition.


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Slow Flight

a. From steady level flight pull column back and establish a 2 km/hr per sec deceleration.

b. At minimum airspeed or warning stop deceleration and hold condition for 3 sec.

c. Recover by pushing column forward and establishing original flight condition.

d. From steady level flight establish a 30 ° bank turn

e. Pull column back and establish a 2 km/hr per sec deceleration.

f. At minimum airspeed + 10 km/hr or warning, stop deceleration and hold condition for 3 sec.

g. Recover by pushing column forward, rolling wings level and establishing original flight condition.

Frequency Sweep PID maneuver

a. Allow 15 sec of steady level flight

b. Commence longitudinal sinusoidal input of 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm (no greater than 0.8 to 1.2 g) with a periodof oscillation of 20 sec.

c. Increase frequency at constant amplitude over 80 sec to a period of 1 sec.

d. Wait 15 sec and then recover to original conditions.

e. Repeat a.-d. for lateral wheel input of 15 ° to 20 ° (bank angles between 5 ° and 10°).

f. Repeat a.-d. for rudder pedal input of 1.5 to 2.0 cm (heading changes between _+5°).

Timed Pulse Train PID maneuver

a. Allow 5 sec of steady level flight.

b. Input 2.0 cm forward (of trim) control pulse for 3 sec.

c. Input 2.0 cm aft (of trim) control pulse for 2 sec.

d. Input 2.0 cm forward (of trim) control pulse for 2 sec.

e. Allow 5 sec of steady level flight.

f. Input 2.5 cm left pedal for 3 sec.

g. Input 2.5 cm right pedal for 2 sec.

h. Input 2.5 cm left pedal for 2 sec.

i. Return pedal to neutral while inputting 20 ° right wheel.

j. Keep right wheel input for 1 sec.

k. Input 20 ° left wheel input for 1 sec.1. Release controls for 10 sec.

m. Repeat a.-e. with 4.0 cm amplitude.

n. Repeat e.-1. with 40 ° (wheel) and 5.0 cm (pedal) amplitude.

Structural Excitation maneuver

a. Sharply deflect control inceptor for a single axis approximately 1-2 cm (column or pedal) or 10° (wheel).

b. Release controller and allow aircraft to aeroelastically respond until all motions are damped


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Appendix B. Extended narratives for each U.S. piloted flight

Flight 21

Date of Flight: September 15, 1998

Flight Crew:

Pilot in Command: Sergei Borisov

Evaluation Pilot: Gordon Fullerton

Navigator: Victor Pedos

Flight Engineer: Anatoli Kriulin

Takeoff Time: 10:58 Local

Landing Time: 13:43 Local

Flight Duration: 02:45

Takeoff Weight: 180 metric tons

Landing Weight: 124 metric tons

Landing Fuel: 21 metric tons

Total Fuel Bum: 56 metric tons

Takeoff CG: 40.5%

Landing CG: 40.7%

Flight Summary

The engines were started by the flight engineer in a 2, 3, 4, 1 order. After completing a short pre-taxi

checklist the parking brakes were released. The aircraft began to roll slowly with the power levers still at idle.

With the 60 ° steering ratio selected the runway was entered and a brake warm-up procedure was done, consist-

ing of setting the power levers to 35 ° PLA and applying the brakes. At first full brake pedal deflection would not

slow the aircraft, but as the carbon brakes wanned they became more effective.

Holding in lineup position, the steering ratio was set to 8 °, and the engines were set at 98 ° PLA (partial

afterbumer).The aircraft accelerated rapidly through rotation and liftoff speeds.

After takeoff the landing gear was retracted but the canard and nose were left in takeoff configuration

(deployed and 11°, respectively). Leveling at 2000 m a series of maneuvers, called the Integrated Test Block

(ITB), was performed to evaluate handling qualities at a heavy weight takeoff configuration. The ITB tasks

included a deceleration and acceleration, pitch attitude captures, bank angle captures, heading captures, and

steady heading sideslips.

The nose was raised, canard retracted and a climb to subsonic cruise conditions (Mach 0.9 and 9000 m)

was made where the ITB series was repeated. Then engine #1 was retarded to near-idle thrust to evaluate han-

dling in an asymmetric thrust condition.


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Afterreturningtosymmetricthrusttimaircraftwasslowlydeceleratedtoapproachtimangleof attacklimitof 16°, tlmnrecoveredbydecreasingpitchattitudeandincreasingpower.Theslowflight characteristicswerefurtl_erinvestigatedbyrepeatingtiffsprocedurein a30° bank,recoveringby levelingtl_ewingsastl_rustwasincreased.

Powerwasreduced,descendingto2000m andconfiguringtheaircraftwitlathenoseat 11° andcanarddeployed.Theslowflightproceduresjustdescribedwererepeated.

Afterestablishingalandingconfiguration,nose17°, canarddeployed,andlandinggeardown,theITBmaneuverswereperformed,followedbyanotllerslowflight investigationwitll wingslevelandina 15°bank.

Next,anenginefailurewassimulatedbyretardingtim#1enginetonearidle.Aftera5 secdelaywitl_nocontrolinputsto observetileaircraftresponse,powerfor levelflight wassetonengines2,3,and4, andtileaircraftwastrimmed.Adescentof4m/secwassetupsimulatinganormalapproachglideslope.At 1500m AGLpowerwasadvancedtomaximumdrytllruston2,3, and4,establishingashallowclimb.Thelandinggearandcanardweretl_enretracted.

Sincegrossweightwasslightlyabovetimmaximumlimit forlanding,thefirst approachwasapassdowntilerunway30centerlineatabout400m altitude.Windswereunusuallystrong,gustingfromtile soutllupto20m/sec(40knots)witll veryturbulentconditionsatpatternaltitudeandbelow.

A closedpatternwasflownleadingtoavisualapproachtorunway30witl_thecanardretractedandinitiat-ingago-aroundat60mabovethesurface.


A plannedlowpassdowntilerunwayforgroundeffectsdatawascanceledbecausethewindswerefarinexcessof the2.5m/seclimit. Becauseof tl_estrongtailwindcomponentonrunway30,theaircraftwasmaneu-veredtoarighthanddownwindlegforrunway12,followedbyanapproachandgo-aroundat60m.

Theairporttrafficareawasdepartedtotimeastouttoadistanceof about60kmtobumdownfuelpriortotimfinallanding.Theautopilotwasengagedandevaluatedduringtiffsdelay.

Returningto timrunway12pattern,avisualapproachandfull stoplandingwasmade,inastrongcross-windfromtile right, tile strongesteverencounteredin thisaircraftby Mr. Borisov.Theaircraftwasstoppedusingthedragchutesandlightbraking.Afterjettisonof tilechute,tileaircraftwastaxiedbacktotilestartupareaandshutdown.


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Flight 22

Date of Flight: September 22, 1998

Flight Crew:

Pilot in Command: Sergei Borisov

Evaluation Pilot: Rob Rivers

Navigator: Victor Pedos

Flight Engineer: Anatoli Kriulin

Takeoff Time: 11:08 Local

Landing Time: 13:23 Local

Flight Duration: 02:15

Takeoff Weight: 184 metric tons

Landing Weight: 110 metric tons

Landing Fuel: 16 metric tons

Total Fuel Bum: 65 metric tons

Takeoff CG: 41%

Landing CG: 40.4%


Scattered clouds at 6 kin, winds 150 degreees at 2-3

m/s, altimeter setting 755 mm Hg QFE

Flight Profile

The flight profile included takeoff and acceleration to 700 kilometers per hour (km/hr) to intercept the

climb schedule to 16.5 kilometers (kin) and Mach 2.0. The flight direction was southeast toward the city of

Samara on the Volga River at a distance of 700 km from Zhukovsky. Approximately 20 minutes were spent at

Mach 2.0 cruise which included an approximately 190 degree course reversal and a cruise climb up to a maxi-

mum altitude of 17.3 kin. A descent and deceleration to 9 km and Mach 0.9 was followed by a brief cruise period

at that altitude and airspeed prior to descent to the traffic pattern at Zhukovsky Airfield for multiple approaches

followed by a full stop landing on Runway 30.

Flight Summary

After all preflight checklists had been completed, the evaluation pilot taxied Tu-144LL Serial Number

77144 onto Runway 12, and the brake bum-in process was accomplished. At 11:08 brakes were released for

takeoff, power was set at 98 ° PLA (partial afterburner), the start brake was released, and after a 30 sec takeoff

roll, the aircraft lifted off at approximately 355 kin/hr. The landing gear was raised with a positive rate of climb,

the canard was retracted out of 120 m altitude, and the nose was raised out of 1000 m altitude. The speed was

initially allowed to increase to 600 km/hr and then to 700 km/hr as the Vertical Regime Indicator (VRI) profile


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wasintercepted.Powerremainedat72° PLA(maximumdrypower)for theclimbuntilMach0.95andCGof47.5%atwhichpointthethrottleswereadvancedtomaximumpower,115° PLA.Theclimbtaskwasahighworkloadtaskduetothesensitivityof theheaduppitchreferenceindicator,thesensitivityof thepitchaxis,andthecontinualchangeinCGrequiringalmostcontinuouslongitudinaltriminputs.Also,sincetheinstantaneouscenterofrotationis locatedatthepilot station,therearenoco*ckpitmotioncuesavailabletothepilotfor pitchrateor attitudechanges.Significantpitchratescanbeobservedon thepitchattitudereferenceindicator(SPI)thatarenot sensedby thepilot.Duringtheclimbpassing4 kin, thefirst of arepeatingseriesof bankanglecaptures(_+15°) andcontrolrapsinall threeaxes(toexciteanyaircraftstructuralmodes)wascompleted.Thesemaneuverswererepeatedat6kmandwhenacceleratingthroughMach0.7,0.9,1.1,1.4,and1.8.Thebankanglecapturesdemonstratedratherhighroll forcesandrelativelylargedisplacementsrequiredfor smallroll angles.Awelldamped(ahnostdeadbeat)rollmodeatallairspeedsuptoMach2.0wasnoted.Thecontrolrapsshowedingeneralahighermagnitudelowerfrequencyresponsein allthreeaxesatsubsonicspeedsandlowermagnitude,higherfrequencyresponsesatsupersonicspeeds.Thepitchresponsewasin generalof loweramplitudeandfrequencywithfewerovershoots(2-3)thanthelateralanddirectionalresponses(4-5overshoots)atall speeds.Alsoof interestwasthattheaxisexhibitingtheflexibleresponsewastheaxisthatwasperturbed,i.e.,pitchrapsresultedinessentiallyonlypitchresponses.Themotionsdefinitelyseemedtobeaeroservoelasticinnature,andwith thestrongdampingin thelateralanddirectionalaxes,normalcontrolinputsresultedin well dampedresponses.

Leveloff at16.5km andMach1.95occurred19minutesaftertakeoff.Theaircraftwasallowedtoaccel-eratetoMach2.0IMN asthethrottleswerereducedto98° PLA,andaseriesof controlrapswasaccomplished.Followingthis,aportionof theIntegratedTestBlocksetof maneuversconsistingof pitchcaptures,steadyheadingsideslips,andaleveldecelerationwascompleted.Thepitchcapturesresultedinslightovershootsandindicatedamoderatedelaybetweenpitchattitudechangesandflightpathanglechanges.Thesteadyheadingsideslipsshowedaslightpositivedihedraleffect,butnomorethanapproximately5° angleofbankwasrequiredto maintainaconstantheading.Nounpleasantcharacteristicswerenoted.At thispointthefirst setof threelongitudinalandlateral/directionalparameteridentification(PID)maneuverswerecompletedwithnounusualresults.By thistimeacoursereversalwasnecessary,andthebankangleandheadingcaptureportionsof theITBwerecompletedduringtheover180°mmwhichtookapproximately7raintocompleteatMach1.95.Duringtheinboundsupersonicleg,twomoresetsof PIDmaneuverswithhigheramplitude(doublethefirst set)controlinputswerecompletedaswereseveralmoresetsof controlraps.Maximumaltitudeachievedduringthesuper-sonicmaneuveringwas17.3kin.

ThedescentanddecelerationfromMach2.0and17kmbeganwithapowerreductionfromthenominal98°PLAto59° andadecelerationto 800kan/hr.Duringthedescentbankanglecaptures(_+30°) andcontrolrapswereaccomplishedatoraboutMach1.8,1.4,1.1,and0.9withsimilarresultsasreportedabove.Theaircraftdemonstratedincreasedpitchsensitivityin thetransonicregiondeceleratingthroughMach1.0.Thepitchtaskduringdescentin followingtheVRI guidancewasfairlyhigh in workload,andthehead-uppitchreferenceindicatorwasverysensitiveandindicatedfairlylargepitchresponsesfromverysmallpitchinputs.SincetheCGisbeingtransferredaftduringsupersonicdescent,frequentpitchtrimmingisrequired.A leveloff at9 km atMach0.9wasaccomplishedwithoutdifficulty,andanITB (asdescribedabove)wascompleted.Furtherde-scentsasdirectedbyairtrafficcontrolplacedtheaircraftin thelandingpatternwith32tonsoffuel,6tonsabovetheplannedamount.

Fivetotalapproachesincludingthefinal full stoplandingwerecompleted.Theseincludeda straight-inlocalizeronlyapproachwiththecanardretracted;anoffsetapproachwiththenoseraiseduntilonfinal;amanualthrottleoffsetapproach;amanualthrottlestraight-inapproach;andastraight-invisualapproachtoafull stoplanding.Thefirst approachwiththecanardsretractedwasflownat360km/hrduetothelossof about12tonsoflift fromtheretractedcanards.Pitchcontrolwasnotasprecisein thisconfiguration.Therewasalsoalearning


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curveeffectastheevaluationpilotgainedexperienceinmakingverysmall,precisepitchinputswhichisneces-sarytoproperlyfly theaircraftonapproachandtoproperlyusethepitchreferenceindicator.Afterterminatingtheapproachat 60m,a canardretracted,geardownlow passup therunwayat 30-40m wascompletedinaccordancewithagroundeffectsexperimentrequirement.Thenose-upapproachdemonstratedthecapabilitytolandthisaircraftwith thenoseretractedprovidingananglingapproachwithsomesideslipis used.Theoffsetapproacheswerenotrepresentativeof thenormaloffsetapproachesflownin theHSRprogramsincetheyaretolow approachonlyanddonottaxthepilot with thehighgainspotlandingtaskoutof thecorrectiveram.Nountowardpitch/rollcouplingortendencytoovercontrolthepitchorroll axeswasnoted.Themanualapproacheswerevery interestingin thattheTu-144LL,thoughaback-sidedairplaneon approach,wasnotdifficult tocontrolevenwiththehighlevelof throttlefrictionpresent.Theenginetimeconstantappearsreasonable.It wasnotedthatalargepitchingmomentresultsfrommoderateorgreaterthrottleinputswhichcanleadtoovercon-trollingthepitchaxisif thespeedisnot tightlycontrolledandlargethrottleinputsarerequired.Thefull stoplandingwasnotdifficultwithlightbrakingrequireddueto thedeceleratingeffectsof thedragparachutes.Theflightterminatedwiththeevaluationpilottaxiingtheaircraftclearof therunwaytotheparkingarea.16tonsoffuelremained.

All testpointswereaccomplished,andseveraladditionaloptionaltestpointswerecompletedsincetheflight remainedaheadof theplannedfuelbum.Oneadditionalapproachwascompleted.Theplannedflightprofilewasmatchedveryclosely,andallflightobjectiveswereachieved.


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Flight 23

Date of Flight: September 24, 1998

Flight Crew:

Pilot in Command: Sergei Borisov

Evaluation Pilot: Gordon Fullerton

Navigator: Victor Pedos

Flight Engineer: Anatoli Kriulin

Takeoff Time: 11:00 Local

Landing Time: 12:56 Local

Flight Duration: 01:56

Takeoff Weight: 179 metric tons

Landing Weight: 119 metric tons

Landing Fuel: 16 metric tons

Total Fuel Bum: 60 metric tons

Takeoff CG: 40.8%

Landing CG: 40.6%

Flight Summary

Engines 2, 1, and 3 were started normally by the flight engineer. However, engine #4 temperature ap-

proached a limit of 610 ° C so it was shut down. A slight tailwind condition existed. A successful start was made

using cross-bleed air from the #3 engine. After engine start the aircraft was taxied for the brake wammp proce-

dure and then into the lineup position. Power was set at 98 ° PLA, the start brake was released, and a nominal

takeoff was made. The landing gear and canard were retracted on schedule, the nose was raised, and the aircraft

was accelerated to an initial climb speed of 700 kin/hr. No special test points were planned during climb so that

full attention could be devoted to flying the VRI profile as accurately as possible, to allow evaluation of the

demanding pitch control task.

The aircraft was leveled at an altitude of 16.5 km and accelerated to Mach 2.0. A pitch capture maneuver of

2 ° nose up was flown, even though the many pitch adjustments required during the climb profile allowed a

thorough examination of pitch control characteristics.

Next the highest priority test point of the supersonic cruise was accomplished: a set of frequency sweep

maneuvers in the longitudinal, lateral, and directional axes.

After completion of the longitudinal frequency sweep at 700 km from the takeoff base the navigator called

for a course reversal to the left. Lateral and directional sweeps were then completed. Control raps were accom-

plished in all axes, followed by steady heading sideslip maneuvers out to 4 ° of rudder deflection in each direc-tion.


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Justpriorto theplanneddescentgrossweightof 135tons,the#1throttlewasretardedto59°PLAandtheresponseoftheaircraftnoted.Theasymmetrywastrimmedoutwithrudderandlateraltrimastheotherengineswereadvancedtomaximumthrust(115°PLA.)Aheadingcapturemaneuverwasflown.SpeeddecreasedslowlytoaboutMach1.9.

With32tonsof fuelremainingallenginesweresetto59° PLA,andtheaircraftwasallowedtodeceleratetointercepttheVRIprofilefor descent.Controlrapsin threeaxeswerecompletedpassingMach1.6.LeveloffwasatMach0.9and9kmaltitude.At thissubsoniccruiseconditiontheITBseriesof maneuversusedon thepreviousflightswascompleted.

About200kmoutadescenttopattemaltitudewasbegunwithcontrolrapsmadepassingMach0.8Ap-proachingtheairfieldat500 km/hr the nose was lowered to 11°. About 15 km out and lined up with Runway 30,

the nose was raised and the aircraft flown in a clean configuration over the runway at 100 m for a photo pass.

Turning left to downwind, the nose was lowered to 17 deg, the canard deployed, and the landing gear

lowered. A visual approach was completed with manual control of thrust down to a go-around at 60 m.

On the downwind leg the #1 engine was retarded to 10 deg PLA, the landing gear lowered, and a three

engine approach was flown, using the autothrottle system, with a three engine go-around initiated at 60 m.

The next pattern was set up with the canard retracted and using autothrottle, a descent was made leveling at

20 m above the runway. The autothrottle was disabled, and the aircraft kept level, maintaining 350 km/hr for

about 10 sec for ground effects data.

The wind was reported at about 6 m/sec, above the limit of 2.5 m/sec, so the low-pass planned for Experi-ment 1.6 data was canceled.

The final pattern was begun with 16 tons fuel remaining. The standard configuration and procedure was

used, with autothrottle engaged until about 5 m above the runway when the throttles were retarded to idle. After

a smooth touchdown the nose gear was lowered, drag chutes deployed, and light braking brought the aircraft to

taxi speed. The aircraft was parked and shutdown in the starmp area.


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I February 2000 Technical Memorandum4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS

A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport


Robert A. Rivers, E. Bruce Jackson, C. Gordon Fullerton, Timothy H. Cox,Norman H. Princen


NASA Langley Research CenterHampton, VA 23681-2199


National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, DC 20546-0001









Rivers and Jackson: Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; Fullerton and Cox: Dryden Flight Research CenterEdwards, CA; Princen: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Long Beach, CA



Subject Category 08 Distribution: StandardAvailability: NASA CASI (301) 621-0390


13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Two U.S. research pilots evaluated the Tupolev Tu-144 supersonic transport aircraft on three dedicated flights:one subsonic and two supersonic profiles. The flight profiles and maneuvers were developed jointly by Tupolevand U.S. engineers. The vehicle was found to have unique operational and flight characteristics that serve as les-sons for designers of future supersonic transport aircraft. Vehicle subsystems and observed characteristics aredescribed as are flight test planning and ground monitoring facilities. Maneuver descriptions and extended pilotnarratives for each flight are included as appendices.


HSR, flying qualities, supersonic transport, high-speed flight, Gromov, Tupolev, Zhuk-ovsky, Tu- 144






Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UL

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18298-102

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A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 ... › archive › nasa › casi.ntrs.nasa... · A Qualitative Piloted Evaluation of the Tupolev Tu-144 Supersonic Transport - [PDF Document] (2024)


What happened to the NASA TU-144? ›

The Tu-144 was later used by the Soviet space program to train pilots of the Buran spacecraft, and by NASA for supersonic research until 1999. The Tu-144 made its final flight on 26 June 1999 and surviving aircraft were put on display across the world or into storage.

Was tupolev tu-144 faster than concorde? ›

Tu-144: The Tu-144 held the crown for being faster, reaching speeds of Mach 2.15 compared to Concorde's Mach 2.04. Concorde: While slower, Concorde boasted a longer range of 3,900 nautical miles, allowing it to fly transatlantic routes.

How many Tu-144 are left? ›

This is the list of the seven still existing aircraft and their current location: CCCP-77106: On display at Central Air Force Museum of Russia in Monino, Russia. CCCP-77107: On display as a monument in the centre of Kazan, Russia. CCCP-77108: On display in the museum of Samara State Aerospace University, Russia.

Why did the Tu-144 fail? ›

Two crashes hastened its demise – one at the Paris Air Show in 1973 and another in 1978 that failed during testing. The 1973 tragedy killed six passengers on board and eight on the ground after the Tu-144 fell apart in the air when displaying twisting maneuvers that caused it to lose lift.

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